broj: 9-10/2002        pdf (26,8 MB)


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Znanstveno-stručno i staleško glasilo
Hrvatskoga šumarskoga društva
Journal of Forestry Society of Croatia
      Prvi puta izašao 1877. godine i neprekidno izlazi do današnjeg dana
   ISSN No.: 0373-1332              UDC 630*
upute autorima

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Vukelić, J., Baričević, D. UDK 630* 182 + 188 (001)
Recent Phytocoenological Perceptions on Beech Forests in Croatia     pdf     HR     EN 439
Čarni, A., Franjić, J., Škvorc, Ž. UDK 630* 182+ 188(001)
The Bush Vegetation of the Forest Margins in Slavonia     pdf     HR     EN 459
Summary: Forest edges present a special form of vegetation growing between forest areas and non-forest, anthropogenetically influenced areas (cultural landscape). The phytosociological analysis of forest edges started relatively late, and, therefore, the first works dealing with this subject-matter began to appear in the middle of the 20th century (cf. Tüxen 1952; Müller 1962). The interest for this type of research developed parallelly with the awareness of biodiversity, i.e. of the wide variety and biological particularity of boundary forest areas where the associations very rich in species can be found.Although the forest edges are a relatively narrow zone between forest and non-forest areas, the environmental factors for the forest edge are stable and present a permanent stage. In most cases such transitions on the forest edges can be understood as a continuity and discontinuity stage (cf. Dierschke 1974).
In the research of forest edge associations very often a methodological problem is encountered. One of the main principles of the Central European method are homogeneous areas and specific combination repeatability. The forest edge areas are often very narrow and markedly long. In such a long and narrow area very often several different combinations of species occur giving such area a mosaic-like appearance. In making vegetational reléves of forest edges special attention has to be paid to the boundaries between associations because it might happen that by negligence some species from the other associations appear in a reléve, that would cause an analysis and interpretation problem.
Each forest edge builds a special phenomenon in the environment presenting a very important element in it. Forest and non-forest areas do not differ physiognomically only, they are ecologically different systems, too. In a narrow forest edge zone dividing two such areas ecological conditions change rapidly and species growing there must be very adaptable because they are a barrier between two different microclimatic areas.
Usually, the forest is protected against the influences from the non-forest areas by a zone of densely branched shrubs of various dimensions. This protective zone is built by heliophilous forest species which have their ecological optimum just there on the very forest edge and can be found only sporadically inside a canopied forest stand.
The shrub associations on the forest edge are very important for forest protection against the wind, by reducing its force and by changing its direction, and at the same time they keep moisture and precipitation and reduce pollution of the environment. The shrub species are also very important in fighting erosion, so they are used in the development of various surfaces obtained after the construction of roads, railway lines, transmission lines, etc. In that, special attention must be paid to plant autochthonous shrub species whenever possible, which will fit better in the environment and in some places will present and form a succession stage toward the forest.
So far the forest edge shrub associations have not been researched much in Croatia. Thus, Horvat (1962) researches the forest edges and describes the associations Corno-Ligustretum croaticum and Berberidi-Rhamnetum fallacis. However, in the work no reléves or tables are given (cf. Barkman et al. 1986, Art. 7). Later, the table was published (Horvat et al. 1974), but the name with the geographical indication Corno-Ligustretum croaticum was chosen, that is not in compliance with Code (cf. Barkman et al. 1986, Art. 2c). This association with three reléves was renamed by Trinajstić & Zi. Pavletić (1991) who designated it by the name of Corno-Ligustretum, however they did not determine the nomenclatural type (cf. Barkman et al. 1986, Def. 8), namely they did not refer to the description of the association Corno-Ligustretum croaticum (Horvat et al. 1974; Barkman et al. 1986, Art. 2b). In the further analysis it will be necessary to determine the resemblance of this association to the association Ostryo-Cornetum sanguineae Čarni 1997, which was described in the south-eastern Slovenia (Čarni 1997).
The research of the shrub forest edges was carried out in June and July 2001 in Central Slavonia in the vicinity of the villages Musić, Levanjska Varoš, Slobodna Vlast, Ovčara, Hrkanovci, Majar (near Đakovo) and Djedina Rijeka, Imbrijevci, Paka (near Požega), (Fig. 2). A total of 10 reléves was made (Tab. 1).
Consequently, the researched forest edge shrub vegetation in Slavonia can be divided into two groups, namely into the group with the mixed species of classes Salicetaea purpuraea and Rhamno-Prunetea (Tab. 1, reléves 1-8), which we included in the alliance Salici cinereae-Viburnenion (Pas. 1964) de Foucault 1991, and into the group where dominant are the species of class Rhamno-Prunetea (Tab. 1, reléves 9-10), which we included in the alliance Prunion fruticoae Tüxen 1952.
The research was made in compliance with the standard Central European method (Braun-Blanquet 1964). On all reléves two numerical analysis methods were carried out - the cluster analysis and the multidimensional scaling. According to the floristical (Tab. 1) and numerical (Fig. 1) analyses, we decided to divide the reléves in two associations inside which dominant is the subspecies Prunus spinosa L. ssp. dasyphylla (Schur.) Domin. One association occurs in thermophilous habitats and is known under the name of Crataego-Prunetum dasyphyllae Jurko 1964 (reléves 9 and 10). The second association occurs on more humid habitats with another combination of species and presents a new association designated by the name Viburno opuli-Prunetum dasyphyllae Čarni, Franjić et Škvorc 2002 (reléves 1-8).

Franjić, J., Škvorc, Ž., Pandža, M., Kekelić, B. UDK 630* 188(001)
Forest Vegetation of the Oštrica Peninsula (Dalmatia, Croatia)     pdf     HR     EN 469
Bezak, K. UDK 630* 525 (001)
The Models of Pedunculate Oak (Quercus robur L.) Stands and the Monetary Value of Wood Assortment Production     pdf     HR     EN 479
Kremer, D. UDK 630* 181.8 + 270
The Phenology of Summer Flowering of Some Woody Plants in the Botanical Gardens of the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics     pdf     HR     EN 489
Martinić, I. UDK 630* 907.1
Management Plans of National Parks and Nature Parks of the Republic of Croatia     pdf     HR     EN 501
Šporčić, M. UDK 630* 945.1
Some Indicators of Internet Forestry Information     pdf     HR     EN 511

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