![]() broj: 9-10/2005
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Zelić, J. | UDK 630* 242 (Fagus sylvatica L.) 001. | |
Supplement of research of thinning method of regular beech stands pdf HR EN | 463 | |
Summary: The article compares two test plots(plot 1 and plot 2, see Picture 1) of regular beech stands (EGT-II-D-10) that are 85 years of age, on the surface 1 ha, in managementunit “South Papuk“. Distribution of breast height diameter and volumes per hectares are very important parameters of forest mamagement. Different management (more intensive thinning on plot 1 than on plot 2) has different effects. On plot 1, there are 346 trees with volume of 452,98 m3/ha, while on plot 2 there are 408 trees with volume of 444,72 m3/ha. The research goal was to found an optimal method of beech stands thinning. The forest practice still does not aplly normal distributions of breast height diameters.The article recommends Beta-distribution as a good model of “normal distributions“. The measured data confirms the plot 1 was more intensively managed in the past than plot 2, but both plots were managed with expertise which proves the distribution of breast hight diameter, characteristic for regular stands. Disrtibution of breast height diameters and volume per degrees of thickness are shown in Table 1. According to earlier mamagement type of regular stands, the curve of distribution of breast height diameters is bell-shaped. The distributions of diameter of breast heights and volume per hectare are esential parameters of forest menagement. Beta-functions were used to equal the distributions of breast height diamaters. F (d) = 0, 007495 S (d - 10) 1,00771 * (65 - d) 1,63964 = 346, for plot 1, F (d) = 0, 002737 S (d - 10) 0,91156 * (65 - d) 2,06635 = 408, for plot 2. Concrete and equal distributions were shown on Graphs 1 and 2. The biometrical parameters, as amount of variation of breast height diameters (arithmetical mean, median, first and second parameters od beta-distributionn, asymmetry and flatness coeficient) show how the real distribution of breast height diameters are asymetrical on the left (positive) side (Tables 2, 3). Felling thinning volume was calculeted using Matić (1985) method (Em = M/n) and distibuted according the thickness degrees, that show positive difference of trees numbers and volumes between the concrete and beta-distribution (Tables 5, 6, 7). Ater such distribution of felling volume per thickness degress, the concrete distributions show “more normal“ shape (Graphs 3, 4). Key words: biometrical parameters; concrete and beta-distribution of breast diameters; distribution of felling volume per breast heigh diamater.; felling thinning volume; method of thinning of regular forest | ||
Ballian, D., Ž. Škvorc, J. Franjić, D. Kajba, S. Bogdan, F. Bogunić | UDK 630* 165 + 181.8 (001) | |
Assessment of Certain Morphological Characteristics of Whitebark Pine (Pinus heldreichii Christ.) in Part of Its Area pdf HR EN | 475 | |
Lukić, N., M. Božić, J. Čavlović, K. Teslak, D. Novosel | UDK 630* 560 (001) | |
Investigating the Vertex III ultrasonic altimeter/distance measurer applicability in relation to the most commonly used altimeters in the forestry of Croatia pdf HR EN | 481 | |
Sabadi, R. | UDK 630* 722 | |
The Trade of Forest Products at the Transition to the third Millenium pdf HR EN | 489 | |
Tucak, Z., V. Kosovel | UDK 630* 156 | |
Mines – Cause of the Biological and Economical Depression in the Hunting Grounds Managed by the Croatian Forests Ltd. pdf HR EN | 501 | |
Vodolšak, M., D. Križaj | UDK 630* 156 | |
Analysis of Financial Indexes in Making Use of the Hunting Right in an “Unprofitable” Hunting-Ground pdf HR EN | 505 | |
Videc, G. | UDK 630* 440 + 450 | |
Application of the New Phytosanitary Measures for Wood Packaging Material in the International Trade pdf HR EN | 511 | |