broj: 7-8/2004        pdf (29,5 MB)


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Znanstveno-stručno i staleško glasilo
Hrvatskoga šumarskoga društva
Journal of Forestry Society of Croatia
      Prvi puta izašao 1877. godine i neprekidno izlazi do današnjeg dana
   ISSN No.: 0373-1332              UDC 630*
upute autorima

select * from clancislEN where brojid=200407 and arb=1 order by id

Pilaš, I., Seletković, A. UDK 630* 181.3 + 581
An Analysis of Groundwater Regime of Lowland Našice Forest Area by Use of Grass Gis     pdf     HR     EN 363
Trinajstić, I. UDK 630* 188
Nomenclatural and Syntaxonomic Revision of the Complex “Blechno-Fagetum (Ht. 1950) Ex Marinček 1970” (Luzulo-Fagion)     pdf     HR     EN 375
Zečić, Ž., Poršinsky, T., Šušnjar, M. UDK 630* 305 + 242
Some Harvesting Results in Hilly Thinning Stands by Group Labor With a Review of Selection of Time Study Method     pdf     HR     EN 381
Summary: Measuring group labour means measuring used time used of a larger number of workers simultaneously. One of the greater difficulties lies in the scattered positions of the workers and machinery in the stand and auxiliary storage. Therefore, it is impossible to measure their work from one location and with one recorder. This means that for simultaneous measuring of work for all the workers in a group a larger number of recorders is necessary regardless of the applied method of measurement (continuous timing, repetitive timing or work sampling).This study deals with the advantages and drawbacks of standard methods of measuring the time used for cutting, processing, extraction and reception of wood in a group labour effort. It also illustrates some of the results of the research. The study was conducted in a beech thinning, 55 years old in the mountainous region of the Central Pannonian Mountains at an altitude of 550 and 700 m above sea level. The mean breast height diameter of the cut trees was 21 cm and the mean volume was 0.30 m3. The working unit consisted of 5 workers: 2 cutters, 2 tractor operators and one worker at the auxiliary storage. The working unit was equipped with two tractors, three chainsaws, and other necessary equipment.
The effective time of the cutters for cutting and processing, preparation and fastening of the load was 3.69 minutes per tree, i.e. 12.30 min/m3.
The effective time of the workers during finishing and unloading the wood assortments at the auxiliary storage amounts to 20.69 % of the total time. The effective time per one piece of roundwood is 0.99 minutes i.e. 6.21 min/m3.
An Ecotrac V-11-1033F choker tractor was used for skidding. The skidding was conducted along a downhill slope. The average slope of the skidding line was 12 %. For a skidding distance of 400 m the total cycle time was 32.38 minutes. The standard time was 28.91 min/m3. The most time in a cycle is used by the tractor while working in the felling area and amounts to 46.8 % of the total time, i.e. 59.4 % of the effective time.
The standard tractor time for a distance between 150 to 650 m ranges from 25.06 min/m3 to 32.75 min/m3. The standard time for cutting and processing together equals 17.86 min/m3. From the listed values it is possible to calculate the relation between the standard times for cutting and extraction, and according to this establish a dynamically ideal group organisation.

Key words: cutting and processing; reception of wood; skidding; standardisation of time; time study
Prka, M. UDK 630* 523 (Fagus sylvatica L.)
Bark Thicknees of Common Beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) in Cutting Areas of Bilogora near Bjelovar     pdf     HR     EN 391
Krejči, V., Dubravac, T. UDK 630* 231 + 226 (Quercus ilex L.)
From Coppice Wood to High Forest of Evergreen Oak (Quercus Ilex L.) by Shelterwood Cutting     pdf     HR     EN 405
Crnković, S. UDK 630* 232.3 (Quercus robur L.)
Quantitative and Qualitative Properties of Common Oak Acorn (Quercus robur L.) in the Stands of the Basin of the Česma River     pdf     HR     EN 413
Zelić, J. UDK 630* 525 (quercus frainetto ten)
Preliminary Sortiment Tables for Italian Oak (Quercus Frainetto Ten)     pdf     HR     EN 431

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