broj: 7-8/2001        pdf (25,7 MB)


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Znanstveno-stručno i staleško glasilo
Hrvatskoga šumarskoga društva
Journal of Forestry Society of Croatia
      Prvi puta izašao 1877. godine i neprekidno izlazi do današnjeg dana
   ISSN No.: 0373-1332              UDC 630*
upute autorima

select * from clancislEN where brojid=200107 and arb=1 order by id

Vučetić, M. UDK 630* 111+431
Weather Conditions and Forest Fires on the Coastal Area of Croatia During 2000     pdf     HR     EN 367
Prpić, B. UDK 630* 263 + 116
The Effects of Hydro-technical Interventions on the Stabilitv of Pedunculate Oak (Quercm robur L.) Stands in Croatia on the Example of the Novo Virje Hydro-power Station     pdf     HR     EN 379
Šporčić, M., Vondra, V. UDK 630* 945
Master´s Theses, Defended at the Faculty of Forestry in Zagreb, Upgrade Forestry     pdf     HR     EN 391
Summary: Postgraduate study was established in 1961 at the Faculty of Forestry of Zagreb University. The reorganization of the study was carried out in 1988 and 1994. Today at the Forestry Department there are eight scientific postgraduate studies and seven specialization program*. The courses are broken down into obligatory subjects of specific scientific orientation, obligatory optional subjects of two orientations and free optional subjects. Educational programs include one-year specialization courses and two-year courses for scientific training. Apart from graduated engineers of forestry, graduated engineers of agriculture, graduated architects and graduated economists can also attend the courses of specific orientation. The study is completed by the preparation and public defense of the specialization thesis or master´s thesis.As forty vears have past -since the study was established, it was considered necessary to collect Information required far making an expert and impartial survey of a 40-year postgraduate study process. Efforts were made to obtain a general assessment of the postgraduate study by a synthetic cross-reference of qualitative and quantitative indicators and to validate the contribution of master s theses to forestry knowledge for the chosen field of study by a series of indicators obtained by the analyses of master´s theses and to estimate indirectly the time trend of changes and development of this study from its establishment (1961) to the present day (2001)
The data of previous study orientations were put together with the data of their suc-cessors. Surveys were made in accordance with the actual scientific orientations and five-year periods. The analysis of 33 master´s theses of the study orientation Economy of forest-management resources defended so far involved searching of the papers by use of a pre-set procedure. The searching procedure included reading of introduction, description of the paper´s scope and objective, methods applied for achieving the set objective, discussion and conclusion on results as well as the summarv. Visual forms of supplements and results were established, listed references were counted as well as the iterns of other used sources. The statement in the title of the article was used as the motto for creating the analyses criteria.
A total of 846 candidates have attended the postgraduate study in forty years of its existence. 87 % of them chose the scientific postgraduate study. Preference was given to the study orientations Forest silviculture and Space arrangement of parks and natural recreational facilities. An increasing growth of interest for scientific training has been recorded in the last two decades. Each vear, 21 persons on average have been enrolled on a postgraduate study.
In the said period, at the Faculty of Forestry in Zagreb, 194 master´s theses have been defended. 180 (93 %) of them were scientific master´s theses and 14 (7 %) spe-cialisation theses. Most of the papers dealt with the field of Forest silviculture (21 %), followed by Forest management and Economy of forest-management resourees with 18 % of defended master ´s theses each.
Only 23 % of the enrolled candidates won their master s degree. The best ratio of initiated and successfully completed studies was achieved in the field Breeding of forest trees where 54 % of the candidates took their master´s degree. In the field Space arrangement of parks and natural recreational facilities only 7.6 % of enrolled stude-nats completed their study successfullv.
The period between enrolling on a postgraduate study to the defence of the master´s thesis ranges between 2 and maximum 24 years, i.e. eight years on the average.
The fact that only every fourth candidate wins a master s degree and that it takes 3 to 4 times the time scheduled for completing the study, brings discredit on the post­graduate study. The reason for these unfavourable features can be explained by inadequate valorisation of expertise and professional skill but also by low aspirations of candidates.
The analysis of master´s theses showed the possibility and necessity to upgrade their quality. Better attention should be paid to the title, as the source of the first Information. A large number of titles is too extensive and insufficiently precise. The summa­ry and some segments of the papers are written in the foreign language only exceptionallv. A higher level of the papers can be achieved by a more accurate, more specific and more precise description of the scope and objective of the thesis as well as of meth­ods applied in solving the set objectives. The omission of determining these key seg­ments is a serious deficiency. Reading and understanding of the thesis would be facilitated if criteria were established specifying what each thesis must contain and giving recommendations on the manner, language and style of writing. Publishing of articles based on theses elaborated in master´s papers is pointed out as a good way of providing better Information on research results.
In 80 % of cases, master´s theses deal with the solution of practical problems met by engineers of forestry in their everyday work. The most common are the problems of productivitv, efficiency and profitability of production in forestry.
Prepared and defended master´s theses are significant for forestrv. Most of them represent a serious contribution to forestry profession and science. Their contribution consists in upgrading the performance of production and business functions, in revealing knew conceptions and upgrading the methodology of studying production, biological and ecological processes in forestry.

Key words: forestry development; human resources in forestry; master´s thesis; postgraduate study
Grubešić, M. UDK 630* 156 + 451
Waldbau und Wildverwalten mit Hinsicht auf die Probleme in deutschen Waldern     pdf     HR     EN 405
Zelić, J. UDK 630* 288
The Role of Silkvvorm (Bombyx mori) and White Mulberry (Morus alba) in Silkvvorm Breeding and Sericulture     pdf     HR     EN 413
Vukelić, M. UDK 630* 902 + 233
Laudonov Gaj     pdf     HR     EN 425
Grospić, F. UDK 630* 902 + 469
A Contribution to Assessing the Conditions in the Forestrv of Lika in the Second Part of the 19th Century     pdf     HR     EN 437
Božičević, I. UDK 630* 648
A Model for Writing and Drawing up Forest Records for all Forest Enterprises in the Delnice Forest Administration     pdf     HR     EN 443

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