broj: 7-8/2005        pdf (20,5 MB)


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Znanstveno-stručno i staleško glasilo
Hrvatskoga šumarskoga društva
Journal of Forestry Society of Croatia
      Prvi puta izašao 1877. godine i neprekidno izlazi do današnjeg dana
   ISSN No.: 0373-1332              UDC 630*
upute autorima

select * from clancislEN where brojid=200507 and arb=1 order by id

Mario Šporčić, Ivan Martinić UDK 630* 302 + 961 + 303 (001)
A Model for Licensing Forest Contractors     pdf     HR     EN 375
Ivo Trinajstić, Zvonimir Pelcer UDK 630* 188 (001)
Nomenclatural and Syntaxonomic Revision of the Ass.     pdf     HR     EN 385
Summary: The spruce forests developed on dolomites are relatively rare in Europe, and so are in Croatia too. In this connection, on this occasion, a nomenclatural and syntaxonomic revision of the forest association designated by Ivo Horvat (1958) by the name of "Piceetum dolomiticum" was made. For nomenclatural reasons (Weber et al. 2000), it was neccessary to rename the ass. "Piceetum dolomiticum", into Helleboro nigri-Piceetum Trinajstić et Pelcer, ass. nov. As a dominant and constant characteristic species of the association, Helleborus niger subsp. niger is indicated, while as charactesistic species of the alliance Abieti-Piceion there are indicated Abies alba, Juniperus communis, Galium rotundifolium, Veronica officinalis, Pteridium aquilinum, Oxalis acetosella and Hieracium umbellatum. The characteristic species of the order Athyrio-Piceetalia and the class Vaccinio-Piceetea are represented with 20 species among which distinguished by a higher degree of their constancy are Picea abies, Luzula luzulina, Melampyrum vulgatum, Dicranum scoparium, Pleurosium schreberi, Festuca heterophylla and Scleropodium purum.
Within the association, two aubassociations can be differentiated – a typical one – Helleboro nigri-Piceetum helleboretosum nigri and the subass. Helleboro nigri-Piceetum caricetosum albae.
The companion species are numerous and for the most part represent the elements of the orders Quercetalia pubescentis, Erico-Pinetalia and Fagetalia sylvaticae.
The ass. Helleboro nigri-Piceetum is spread in the area of Mala Kapela and is developed partly within the boundaries of the National Park Plitvička jezera. Due to a wery unstable dolomite bed susceptible to erosion, especially in places with steeper inclination and shallow rendzina soil, the stands of the ass. Helleboro nigri-Piceetum have to be considered as protective forests, especially those in the National Park Plitvička jezera. Such stands present also a significant natural science feature of interest inside the spruce range on its southern geographic and ecoloogical boundary.
Dubravko Horvat, Ankica Kos, Željko Zečić, Marijan Šušnjar, Ivan Bešlić UDK 630* 304 (001)
Research of Oak-Wood Dust Concentration in the Working Environment of Fuelwood Processing     pdf     HR     EN 393
Boris Vrbek UDK 630* 114.2 + 116
Lysimetric Pedology as a Method of Quality Researches of Soil Solution in Forest Soils of Croatia     pdf     HR     EN 397
Viktor Šegrt, Marijan Grubešić UDK 630* 156
Falconry Equipment     pdf     HR     EN 409
Dražen Grgurević
Garanjin Park in Trogir – The Oldest Botanical Garden in Croatia     pdf     HR     EN 415

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