broj: 7-8/1996        pdf (20,6 MB)


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Znanstveno-stručno i staleško glasilo
Hrvatskoga šumarskoga društva
Journal of Forestry Society of Croatia
      Prvi puta izašao 1877. godine i neprekidno izlazi do današnjeg dana
   ISSN No.: 0373-1332              UDC 630*
upute autorima

select * from clancislEN where brojid=199607 and arb=1 order by id

Trinajstić, I., Franjić, J., Samardžić, J., Samardžić, I. UDK 630*187.001(497.13)
Plantsociological Characteristic if Italian and Bitter Oak (Ass. Quercetum frainetto-ceris Rudski 1949) Forests in Slavonia (Croatia)     pdf     HR     EN 299
Vrdoljak, Ž. UDK 630*272:226.001 (497.13)
Park Forest Marjan, Evolution, Present State and Directions for Future Treatment     pdf     HR     EN 307
Getz, D. UDK 630*151(497.13-Baranja)
Preliminary Researching of Ferruginous Duck Ecology. (Aythya nyroca), in the Area of Special Zoo-Reservation "Kopački Rit" and the Fishponds "Podunavlje" in Baranja     pdf     HR     EN 319
Summary: This paper deals with prelimenary researhing of ferruginous
duck, Aythya nyroca, which has been done in the area ofhunting -forestry
ground of "Croatina forestry" in famous special ZOO reservation "Kopački
rit" and on thefishponds "Podunavlje" in Baranja, Croatia.Eggs dimensions
were measured by metal mobi/e measure and hand pharmaecutical scale of
100 g. and height ofnest from the ground and other parameters by spring meter.
Counting was done by census and abundance using binoculars and larger
spectives. Ferruginous duck regularly builds nests in Kopački rit and ponds
"Podunavlje ". The largest number of nests 85,72% wasfound on the fishpond.
Nests were found on so-called "islands ", deposits of ground left after building
the fishpond and on "alluviums" of previous Vardarac swamp. "Islands" are
overgrown with characteristic swamp vegetation from the slass Phragmitetea
Tx. etPrsg. 1942. (Rauš, 1985.). In flooded area of Kopački rit it builds a nest
in adventitions roots of old white willows, Salix alba marked as trees with
habitus "I" (Getz, 1974.), on the height of´75 - 220 cm from the ground. Mass building of nests was noticed in the second and third decade ofJune, what was
confirmed by watching ducling age. In nests were found 2-19 eggs; 9 nests
were marked as completed and 1 was in forming. In 3 cases agges ofMallard
were found also, Anas platyrhynchos. Watched females had 4-14 ducklings.
The siže ofpopulation was 50 pairs (Kopački rit and Ribnjak). Ferruginous
duck is a migratorv bird. It comes back to homeland in the beginning of
March. First observation, 56 duck, was noticed on March, 8-th 1969. Itleaves
in September and October. The latest observation of duck was noticed on
December 30-th 1981.,8birds.

To preserveferruginous duck in the area in present siže ofpopulation it is
neccessary to name thefishpond "Podunavlje" ornithology reservation or include
him in special ornithology reservation "Kopački rit" considering that it
is close to its borders.
Jurković, M., Jurković-Bevilacqua, B. UDK 630*175.272:181.2(497.13)
Introduction and Acclimatization of Exotic Woody Plants - Coniferous Trees - in Parks of Zagreb     pdf     HR     EN 327
Starčević, T. UDK 630*231.48(497.13)
The Problems of natural regeneration of the Oak Forests in Croatia     pdf     HR     EN 335
Ivan Tolić UDK 630*231:242(497.13) Tolić, L:
Tending methods for achieving quality and stability in forest stands and wood mass     pdf     HR     EN 339

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