broj: 7-8/1996        pdf (20,6 MB)


                    stari brojevi      novi broj

Znanstveno-stručno i staleško glasilo
Hrvatskoga šumarskoga društva
Journal of Forestry Society of Croatia
      Prvi puta izašao 1877. godine i neprekidno izlazi do današnjeg dana
   ISSN No.: 0373-1332              UDC 630*
upute autorima

select * from clancislEN where brojid=199607 and arb=1 order by id

Trinajstić, I., Franjić, J., Samardžić, J., Samardžić, I. UDK 630*187.001(497.13)
Plantsociological Characteristic if Italian and Bitter Oak (Ass. Quercetum frainetto-ceris Rudski 1949) Forests in Slavonia (Croatia)     pdf     HR     EN 299
Vrdoljak, Ž. UDK 630*272:226.001 (497.13)
Park Forest Marjan, Evolution, Present State and Directions for Future Treatment     pdf     HR     EN 307
Summary: ParkforestMarjan is located on northern declivities of Marjan peninsula, immediatelv close to the city of Split. Recreation and aestethic values are it´s mainpurposes.

The forest was grown artificially, by planting aleppo pine with the addition ofcvpress on highly degraded and rocky soil which formerly was covered by a natural, autochthonous holly-oakforest. The afforestation was accomplished between 1884 and 1941 on an area of 167 hectars. The actual condition of the forest is characterised by mostly pure, even-aged stands ofhigh densitv, which aggravates their natural regeneration.

The actual structure of the forest is not suitablefor it´s recreational and aestetic fiinctions neither in terms ofthe composition ofspecies, nor in the silvicultural form. Therefore we suggest managing should be directed towards a transformation to the selection mixed forest, composed of stands with dijferent age and types oftrees. This transformation would be simultaneous with reforestation and necessary tending.

The survey also suggests the choice ofspecies that should compose the transformed forest: mostly conifers with a dominant participation of aleppo pine and the addition of autochthonous deciduous species, especiallv holly-oak, whereever the condition ofthe site allows. We also suggest the disposition and dimensions of groups of individual species oftrees, as well as methods of regeneration and degrees of tending.
Key words: park forest; treatment; transormation; tending; reforestation
Getz, D. UDK 630*151(497.13-Baranja)
Preliminary Researching of Ferruginous Duck Ecology. (Aythya nyroca), in the Area of Special Zoo-Reservation "Kopački Rit" and the Fishponds "Podunavlje" in Baranja     pdf     HR     EN 319
Jurković, M., Jurković-Bevilacqua, B. UDK 630*175.272:181.2(497.13)
Introduction and Acclimatization of Exotic Woody Plants - Coniferous Trees - in Parks of Zagreb     pdf     HR     EN 327
Starčević, T. UDK 630*231.48(497.13)
The Problems of natural regeneration of the Oak Forests in Croatia     pdf     HR     EN 335
Ivan Tolić UDK 630*231:242(497.13) Tolić, L:
Tending methods for achieving quality and stability in forest stands and wood mass     pdf     HR     EN 339

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