broj: 5-6/2021        pdf (15,7 MB)


                    stari brojevi      novi broj

Znanstveno-stručno i staleško glasilo
Hrvatskoga šumarskoga društva
Journal of Forestry Society of Croatia
      Prvi puta izašao 1877. godine i neprekidno izlazi do današnjeg dana
   ISSN No.: 0373-1332              UDC 630*
upute autorima

select * from clancislEN where brojid=202105 and arb=1 order by id

The demise of a man who has devoted his life to forests and forestry     pdf     HR     EN 209
Tomislav Poršinsky, Vitomir Kajgana, Željko Tomašić, Andreja Đuka UDK 630* 453 (001)
Gradeability of the cable skidder based on traction performance     pdf     HR     EN 211
Krunoslav Sever, Dimitrije Damir Sviličić, Tomislav Karažija, Boris Lazarević, Željko Škvorc UDK 630*232.3 (001)
Photosynthetic response of common beech seedlings to suboptimal mineral nutrition     pdf     HR     EN 225
Ahmet Lojo, Jusuf Musić, Besim Balić, Admir Avdagić, Velid Halilović, Aida Ibrahimspahić, Jelena Knežević UDK 630* 523 (001)
Modeling bark thickness of beech (Fagus sylvatica L.)     pdf     HR     EN 239
Thickness and share in volume of tree and/or round wood represent the most important features of the bark, especially in the process of timber harvesting, during scaling of processed logs. In forestry of Federation of B&H there are no rules or tables for deduction of double bark thickness based on scientific research. Wood assortments tables for our most important tree species, besides a whole series of wood assortments, also contain the category of waste. From a practical point of view this category can be divided into “real waste” and losses. The real waste in this sense consists of various logging slash and sawdust, while the loss constitutes a prescribed method of measuring the dimensions and calculation of volume and the deduction of the double bark thickness. So, it is very important to have relatively accurate data of the bark thickness for certain tree species. Therefore, the objecti    ve of this paper is to explore double bark thickness and share of bark in the volume of beech round wood. The research was carried out in the area of the Canton 10 of Federation of B&H. The research included 678 sample trees from 10 cm to 85 cm diameter breast height (DBH) and from 5 m to 40 m of height with 6,403 pairs were measured for double bark thickness and diameter in the middle of the round wood (section). Data of double bark thickness in relation to mid diameter of round wood were equalized by following equation with coefficient of determination R2=0.722.
The results of research confirmed the regularities defined in previous research and has shown as follows: a) by the increase of mid diameter of round wood, double bark thickness increases from 6.05 mm (thickness class 12.5 cm) to 20.69 mm (thickness class 82.5 cm), b) by the increase of mid diameter of round wood, bark share in the volume decrease exponentially from 9.44 % (thickness class 12.5 cm) to 4.95 % (thickness class 82.5 cm).The research have indicated the need to use the results and incorporating it into applicable rules of deducting the bark on logs or share of bark in the volume depending on diameter over the bark.
Key words: beech; bark thickness; bark share; round wood
Tark Çtgez, Refik Karagül, Mehmet Özcan UDK 630*114.1 + 116
Evaluation of the effects of some watershed characteristics on water and suspended sediment yield in agricultural and forest dominated watersheds     pdf     HR     EN 249
Nediljko Landeka, Mirela Uzelac, Danijela Poljuha, Barbara Sladonja UDK 630* 453
The first record of the asiatic string cottony scale Takahashia japonica in Croatia     pdf     HR     EN 263
Toni Safner, Ana Gracanin, Ivan Gligora, Boštjan Pokorny, Katarina Flajšman, Marco Apollonio, Nikica Šprem UDK 630* 461
State border fences as a threat to habitat connectivity: a case study from South-Eastern Europe     pdf     HR     EN 269
Marina Milović, Marko Kebert, Saša Orlović UDK 630* 172.8
How mycorrhizas can help forests to cope with ongoing climate change?     pdf     HR     EN 279

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