broj: 5-6/2021        pdf (15,7 MB)


                    stari brojevi      novi broj

Znanstveno-stručno i staleško glasilo
Hrvatskoga šumarskoga društva
Journal of Forestry Society of Croatia
      Prvi puta izašao 1877. godine i neprekidno izlazi do današnjeg dana
   ISSN No.: 0373-1332              UDC 630*
upute autorima

select * from clancislEN where brojid=202105 and arb=1 order by id

The demise of a man who has devoted his life to forests and forestry     pdf     HR     EN 209
Tomislav Poršinsky, Vitomir Kajgana, Željko Tomašić, Andreja Đuka UDK 630* 453 (001)
Gradeability of the cable skidder based on traction performance     pdf     HR     EN 211
Krunoslav Sever, Dimitrije Damir Sviličić, Tomislav Karažija, Boris Lazarević, Željko Škvorc UDK 630*232.3 (001)
Photosynthetic response of common beech seedlings to suboptimal mineral nutrition     pdf     HR     EN 225
This paper presents the results of measuring parameters that describe the photosynthetic activity of beech seedlings under suboptimal mineral nutrition. The aim of paper was to present the issue of mineral nutrition of forest trees to forestry practice through the discussion of the obtained results in the context of previous knowledge about the impact of mineral nutrition on the photosynthetic process of forest trees. In the early spring of 2019, beech seedlings originating from a natural mixed stand of sessile oak and common beech were transplanted into a sterile substrate (agroperlite). After transplanting, the seedlings were regularly watered (treated) with a complete nutrient solution (KO treatment), and nutrient solutions in which nitrogen (–N treatment), phosphorus (–P treatment), magnesium (–Mg treatment) or iron (–Fe treatment) were omitted. The following parameters were regularly measured on six seedlings within each of the five previously described treatments during the 2019 growing season: rate of photosynthesis (A), stomatal coonductance (gs), intercellular concentration of CO2 (ci), relative chlorophyll content index (CCI) and the photosynthetic performance index (PIABS). All parameters were worse in seedlings from –N, –P and –Mg treatment compared to seedlings from KO treatment. Such a result is probably due to the physiological functions of N, P and Mg that participate in the structure of proteins and enzymes, energy turnover and storage, and the structure of chlorophyll, which together are necessary for the proper functioning of the overall photosynthetic process. Despite the important role of Fe in all life processes of plant, including photosynthesis, all measured parameters in seedlings from –Fe and KO treatments were very similar.
However, unlike N, P and Mg which belong to the group of macronutrients, Fe belongs to the group of micronutrients whose concentrations in plant tissue are relatively low. Therefore, it is possible to assume that the investigated seedlings from natural stand soil and/or from seed reserves during the initial phase of their development could absorb and/or retraslocate enough Fe for normal functioning throughout the growing season, regardless of subsequent treatment. Given such a results, initial monitoring of photosynthetic activity parameters will be continued over the next few growing seasons. In this period, it is planned to start monitoring the vegetative growth dynamics, leaf phenology and the development of visual symptoms under suboptimal mineral nutrition of beech seedlins in order to further approximate this issue to forestry practice
Key words: Fagus sylvatica; beech; seedlings; photosynthesis; mineral nutrients
Ahmet Lojo, Jusuf Musić, Besim Balić, Admir Avdagić, Velid Halilović, Aida Ibrahimspahić, Jelena Knežević UDK 630* 523 (001)
Modeling bark thickness of beech (Fagus sylvatica L.)     pdf     HR     EN 239
Tark Çtgez, Refik Karagül, Mehmet Özcan UDK 630*114.1 + 116
Evaluation of the effects of some watershed characteristics on water and suspended sediment yield in agricultural and forest dominated watersheds     pdf     HR     EN 249
Nediljko Landeka, Mirela Uzelac, Danijela Poljuha, Barbara Sladonja UDK 630* 453
The first record of the asiatic string cottony scale Takahashia japonica in Croatia     pdf     HR     EN 263
Toni Safner, Ana Gracanin, Ivan Gligora, Boštjan Pokorny, Katarina Flajšman, Marco Apollonio, Nikica Šprem UDK 630* 461
State border fences as a threat to habitat connectivity: a case study from South-Eastern Europe     pdf     HR     EN 269
Marina Milović, Marko Kebert, Saša Orlović UDK 630* 172.8
How mycorrhizas can help forests to cope with ongoing climate change?     pdf     HR     EN 279

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