![]() broj: 5-6/2006
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CEROVEČKI, Zdravko | UDK 630* 188 (001) | |
Seslerio sadlerianae-Ostryetum Cerovečki ass. nov. (Ostryo-Carpinion orientalis Ht. 1959) in the Mountains of the Northwestern Croatia pdf HR EN | 175 | |
Summary: The association Seslerio sadlerianae-Ostryetum ass. nov. is a postglatial period relict forest association of the northwestern Croatia. The forests of this association have an antierosion function only, and therefore from the economic aspect they are of no importance at all. However, photosociologically, they are extremely important primarily for understanding of the development of the recent xerotherme deciduous forest vegetation of the postglatial period in the northwestern Croatia. Important for these stands is that they develop on very steep, often sheer slope positions of between 30o and 60o, where due to unfavorable conditions a progressive development is made difficult, so this association is found as a constant stage only. It grows on shallow soils (8–20 cm) densely interwoven with Sedlerian moor grass roots over the dolomite lithologic bed or dolomitic limestones. Within the ass. Seslerio sadlerianae-Ostryetum two subassociations are distinguished, namely the subass. quercetosum pubescentis growing in warmer stands and the subass. ostryetosum carpinifoliae growing in colder positons. It has been found out that by progressive succession development from the ass. Seslerio sadlerianae-Ostryetum in warmer stands the ass. Querco-Ostryetum carpinifoliae is developed and in colder stands the ass. Ostryo-Fagetum is developed. With regard to their synsystematic position, the forests of the ass. Seslerio sadlerianae-Ostryetum have been subordinated to the alliance Ostryo-Carpinion orientalis Ht. 1959, the order Quercetalia pubescentis-petraea Br.-Bl. 1932 and the class Querco-Fagetea Br.-Bl. et Vlieger 1937. | ||
Bobinac, Martin | UDK 630* 242 (001) | |
Effects of Thinning on the Increment of Trees in Different Biological Positions in i Middle-Aged Beech Stand pdf HR EN | 183 | |
Schneider-Jacoby, Martin | UDK 630* 263 + 148.2 + 907.1 | |
The Sava and Drava Floodplains: Threatened Ecosystems of International Importance pdf HR EN | 193 | |
Dubravac, T., V. Krejči, B. Vrbek | UDK 630* 231 + 181 + 114.3 | |
Structure and Development of a 161 Year-old Spruce Culture pdf HR EN | 219 | |