broj: 3-4/1998        pdf (16,6 MB)


                    stari brojevi      novi broj

Znanstveno-stručno i staleško glasilo
Hrvatskoga šumarskoga društva
Journal of Forestry Society of Croatia
      Prvi puta izašao 1877. godine i neprekidno izlazi do današnjeg dana
   ISSN No.: 0373-1332              UDC 630*
upute autorima

select * from clancislEN where brojid=199803 and arb=1 order by id

Kajba D., Krstinić A. UDK 630* 238 (Alnus L.) 001.
Species of the Genus Alnus L. Suitable for Biomass Production     pdf     HR     EN 131
Summary: On three researched field plots, the best results in the biomass productions have been obtained by clones and seedlings of the alochtounous species A. subcordata, in the relation to clonal and generative material by A. glutinosa from local provenances, while the poorest results have been obtained for the other introduced species A. rubra. The interclonal variability found in the most productive species A. subcordata offers the possibility to select superior genotypes and to achieve further increase of production, with their successful routine vegetative propagation by means of cuttings. The successive autovegetative propagation makes possible to eliminate plagiotropic growth and to improve their quality. In the researched experiments raised on the pseudogley and peat gley types of soil, a good survival has been shown by A. subcordata and A. glutinosa while A. rubra proved to be unsuitable for raising in the researched sites.
Key words: A. glutinosa; A. rubra; Alnus subcordata; biomass
Kajba D., Krstinić A., Komlenović N. UDK 630* 238 (Salix sp.) 001.
Arborescent Willow Biomass Production in Short Rotations     pdf     HR     EN 139
Trinajstić, I. UDK 630* 188 (Pinus nigra Arnold) 001.
Nomenclature and Syntaxonomic Revision of Submediterranean Forests of Austrian Pine (Pinus nigra Arnold) in Croatia     pdf     HR     EN 147
Gallo, C. UDK 630* 585 + 48 (Fagus silvatica L.)
Assessment of Beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) Damage Using Digital Interpretation of Colour Infrared Aerial Photography     pdf     HR     EN 155

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