broj: 3-4/1960        pdf (10,9 MB)


                    stari brojevi      novi broj

Znanstveno-stručno i staleško glasilo
Hrvatskoga šumarskoga društva
Journal of Forestry Society of Croatia
      Prvi puta izašao 1877. godine i neprekidno izlazi do današnjeg dana
   ISSN No.: 0373-1332              UDC 630*
upute autorima

select * from clancislEN where brojid=196003 and arb=1 order by id

Tomaševski Stanko
Loss of increment in Beech in consequence of the frozenthrough foliage.     PDF     EN 65
Klepac, Dušan
A contribution to the better knowledge of management of Aleppo Pine forests.     PDF     FR 74
Bićanić Branko
The stumpage price of the resin and the economic justification of resin-tapping.     PDF     EN 85
Summary: The stumpage price of the resin represents the value of the losses of the štand brought about by tapping - i. e. the decrease of volume and quality increments as well as of minor forest products yields (mainly litter) - to which one should add also the corresponding part of costs for the re-establishment of the tapped stand. This stumpage price should be calculated as accurately as possible for each intensity of wounding the tree (tapping method) as well as for the definite Pine species.
The calculated stumpage price of the resin will be smaller if under the equal intensity of wounding the tree the average annual resin yield per one tree is increased. This can be achieved by keeping permanent and ever improving crews as well as by applying adequate techniques and biological methods (heterosis, grafting etc.)
If the stumpage price of the resin cannot be realized in properly calculated amounts, then the tapping has not its economic justification and should be wholly discontinned or restricted to those trees not yielding technical assortments of high utilization value.
The stumpage price of the Aleppo-Pine resin should be lower than the calculated one of other Pine species (Austrian Pine and others) for the average annual resin yields of the latter ones are lower than those of the Aleppo-Pine, their stemwood value being higher.
Long-term tapping diminishes more the utilization value of tapped trees (stem-wood) than tapping to death.
Therefore trees yielding high-grade assortments are allowed to be tapped to death several years before their being felled, but also for this resin one should realize an adequate stumpage price calculated on the basis of the decreasing of the stand volume and quality increments brought about by this method of tapping.

Horvat Ivo
A contribution to the knowledge of some physical and mechanical properties of the wood of White and Black Poplars (Populus alba L. et Populus nigra L.).     PDF     EN 95
Turk Z.
Practical qualification examination.     PDF     EN 116

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