broj: 3-4/2011        pdf (7,98 MB)


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Znanstveno-stručno i staleško glasilo
Hrvatskoga šumarskoga društva
Journal of Forestry Society of Croatia
      Prvi puta izašao 1877. godine i neprekidno izlazi do današnjeg dana
   ISSN No.: 0373-1332              UDC 630*
upute autorima

select * from clancislEN where brojid=201103 and arb=1 order by id

Ugarković, D., I. Tikvić, Z. Seletković, M. Oršanić, I. Seletković, M. Blažinkov, M. Mrkonjić Fuka, S. Redžepović UDK 630* 114.2 + 231 (Abies alba Mill.) (001)
Microbiological Characteristics of the Soils and Natural Regeneration of Forest Gaps within Damaged Forest Ecosystems of the Silver Fir (Abies alba Mill.) in Gorski Kotar     pdf     HR     EN 99
Kutnar, L., A. Kobler UDK 630* 188 + 111.8 (001)
Prediction of Forest Vegetation Shift due to Different Climate-Change Scenarios in Slovenia     pdf     HR     EN 113
Buzjak, N., S. Buzjak, D. Orešić UDK 630* 111 +120 : 164 (001)
Floristic, Microclimatic and Geomorphological Features of Collapsed Doline Japage on the Žumberak (Croatia)     pdf     HR     EN 127
Summary: Collapsed doline Japage is located in the western part of Žumberak Mt. (Fig. 1), formed in tectonically crushed Upper Cretaceous carbo­nate layers (limestone and breccia). Apart from karstification, which is evident in two speleological features, its development is today mostly affected by the slope processes (collapsing, landsliding and soil creeping). The length of the peripheral axis of the collapsed doline Japage is 64 m in the N-S direction, and 63 m in the E-W direction. In terms of dimensions, it is the largest such pheno­menon on the territory of Žumberak. The depth between the lowest point of the periphery and the bottom is 15 m. The highest altitude difference is 37.7 m. The doline’s volume is 54.000 m3. The measurement of microclimatic parameters in Japage (carried out from 2007 to 2009) proved temperature inversion during the warm part of the year (Fig. 2). The relative air humidity is higher at the bottom, and lower towards the margins of the doline’s rim (Tab. 1). During the vegetation period in 2007 and 2008, the flora of Japage doline was also re­searched. Plants growing at various depths and expositions were registered, and a part of them was recorded in the profiles N-S and E-W (Fig. 5). The listed plants underwent the analysis of ecological indicator values and life forms. Al­together 59 plant taxa were registered (Tab. 2). Seventeen of them, i.e. 29% of the total number of the recorded taxa is protected by the Nature Protection Act, and three are listed in the Red Book of Vascular Flora of Croatia as near threa­tened (NT). The life form analysis showed the predominance of hemicryptophy­tes and geophytes, corresponding to the moderate climate zone Japage belongs to. Ferns were the predominant species, particularly in the lower part of the doline and at its bottom, which has less sunlight and higher air humidity and soil moisture compared to the doline’s upper marginal parts (Fig. 6). Based on the analysis of ecological indicator values of the doline’s floristic composition (Fig. 7), we came to the conclusion that the soil in Japage is moderately moist, mostly low acidic to alkaline. It is a shadowy habitat predominated by wides­pread plants that can grow in colline, mountainous and sub-alpine areas.
Key words: ecological indicatory values; flora; geomorphology; Japage; microclimate; Žumberak
Sedlar, Z., V. Hršak, R. Šoštarić UDK 630* 187 (001)
Numerical and PhytosociologicalAnalysis of the Junipero sibiricae -Pinetum dalmaticae Domac (1956) 1965 Association and Comparison to Mediterranean Forests Dominated by Pinus nigra Arn. s.l.     pdf     HR     EN 139
Nodilo, Marija UDK 630* 272
Garden of the Benedictine Monastery of St Mary on Mljet     pdf     HR     EN 153
Puača, B., Ž. Najvirt, A. Miličević UDK 630* 188 + 114
Some Pedological-floristic and Economic Features of Forest Stands in Locality Otmanov Vis     pdf     HR     EN 161

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