broj: 3-4/2002        pdf (34,0 MB)


                    stari brojevi      novi broj

Znanstveno-stručno i staleško glasilo
Hrvatskoga šumarskoga društva
Journal of Forestry Society of Croatia
      Prvi puta izašao 1877. godine i neprekidno izlazi do današnjeg dana
   ISSN No.: 0373-1332              UDC 630*
upute autorima

select * from clancislEN where brojid=200203 and arb=1 order by id

Pintarić, K. UDK 630* 226 (001)
Problem of the Conversion of Beech Coppices into Beech High Forests     pdf     HR     EN 119
Korčić, S. UDK 630* 242 (001)
The Influence of Thinning in the Stand of Common Pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) Within a Plantation     pdf     HR     EN 129
Šajković, A. UDK 630* 979 + 469 (001)
A Latent Structure of Forestry Students´ Opinion on the Globalisation in Croatia     pdf     HR     EN 137
Summary: Globalisation is process that expands globally via sophisticated technoligies, open frontiers and the Internet, and unlike industrialisation, it cannot take place in an isolated society or a country. For this reason, supranational institutions are needed in order to establish a legal system at a global level. Multinational companies are expanding, whish offers various possibilities to the states through the flow of goods, capital and people, and so are the consequences of globalisation processes such as cultural unification, exploitation of natural resources and migratory processes.An empirical survey was conducted (in octobar 2001.) among the students of the Faculty of Forestry aimed of obtaining their opinion related to the possibilities and consequences of globalisation in Croatia at the level of latent dimensions. A samble of 173 students was given a questionnaire containing 36 statements. Using the factor analysis with the scree test, five factors were isolated representing latent dimensions of students´ opinions: 1. The inevitable future of Croatia lies in globalisation - neo-liberal tendency; 2. Distinctly negative consequences of globalisation accompanied with the destruction of the environment; 3. Transitional radicalism- a tendency towards closed Croatia due to negative effects of globalisation on the nation, urbanisation and nature; 4. Neo-liberalism - the strengthening of supranational institutions; 5. The conflicting nature of the Western civilisation and the consequences of globalisation.

Key words: culture; ecology; globalization in Croatia; globalization; the economy
Čavlović, J., Kremer, D. UDK 630* 561
The Characteristics of the Diameter Growth and Increment of the Trees in the Stands of the Narrow-leaved Ash and the Introduced White Ash in Central Posavina     pdf     HR     EN 145
Juretić, N., Šeruga, M., Škorić, D. UDK 630* 449
Phytoplasma Diseases of Forest Trees     pdf     HR     EN 155
Tolić, I. UDK 630* 907.1
The Beautiful and Rich Ecosystem of the Croatian Adriatic should be Preserved     pdf     HR     EN 165

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