broj: 3-4/1994        pdf (14,6 MB)


                    stari brojevi      novi broj

Znanstveno-stručno i staleško glasilo
Hrvatskoga šumarskoga društva
Journal of Forestry Society of Croatia
      Prvi puta izašao 1877. godine i neprekidno izlazi do današnjeg dana
   ISSN No.: 0373-1332              UDC 630*
upute autorima

select * from clancislEN where brojid=199403 and arb=1 order by id

Matić, S. UDK 630* 232.319+322.9.001/2
Number of Plants and the Amount of Seed in Relationship to the Results of Regeneration and Afforestation     pdf     HR     EN 71
Trinajstić, L. UDK 630*. *187.001 (497.13)
Mesophilous Hornbeam-Forests (Ass. Anemone-Carpinetum betuli Trinajstić 1964) in Istria (Croatia)     pdf     HR     EN 81
Durbešić, P., Vujčić-Karlo, S., Bukvić, I. UDK 630* 591.9/595.7.001 (497.13)
Faunustic and Zoogeographie Research of Coleoptera-Insecta in some Forest Communities on Mountain Medvednica     pdf     HR     EN 85
Raguž, D., Grubešić, M., Tomljanović, J. i Markota, I. UDK 630* 639.1 (497.13) Ovis ammon musimon Pallas.
Comparison of Trophy Value of some Mouflon Population (Ovis ammon musimon Pallas.) in Croatia     pdf     HR     EN 91
Summary: Mouflon (Ovis ammon musimon Pallas.) represents an important
species in the wildlife management of Croatia. The still insufficiently
utilized natural potentials of the Mediterranean and sub-Mediterranean belt
provide favourable conditions for intensification of wildlife management. Positive
experience so far in breeding mouflons at some localities give it a top
priority for future management. An investigation of the trophy structure of
mouflons at hunting districts »Vranjak« Ploče and »Žrnovnica« Senj, and
their comparison, confirm the justification for further breeding and propagation
of this species. The hunting district »Vranjak« is located in the Mediterranean
belt and »Žrnovnica« in the sub-Mediterranean belt. By data processing and
analysis of 49 acquired trophies from the »Vranjak« hunting district and 27
from the »Žrnovnica« hunting district it can be concluded that there are no

significant differences between these two populations. Research shows that the
differences in climate and vegetational elements did not cause a change in
the trophy structure of the populations. Hereditary traits of the populations
are identical because they both originate from the Brioni Islands. Minor
diferences occurring in the trophy structure are a reflection of management
interventions and aims. Both population display an exceptionally good trend
of horn development, so that after only three years nearly all the mouflons
qualify for one of the medals. The above mentioned hunting districts, together
with some others, are a guarantee for success in wildlife management of
mouflons at suitable habitats on the Adriatic islands, along the coast and in
wider coastal regions in the Mediterranean and sub-Mediterranean belts of
Key words: mouflon; hunting district; habitat; trophy; trophy assessment; mouflon; hunting district; habitat; trophy; trophy assessment
Dimitrov, T. UDK 630* 431.
Biological Parameters Suitable for Improving the Forest Fire Danger Index     pdf     HR     EN 105

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