broj: 3-4/1994        pdf (14,6 MB)


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Znanstveno-stručno i staleško glasilo
Hrvatskoga šumarskoga društva
Journal of Forestry Society of Croatia
      Prvi puta izašao 1877. godine i neprekidno izlazi do današnjeg dana
   ISSN No.: 0373-1332              UDC 630*
upute autorima

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Matić, S. UDK 630* 232.319+322.9.001/2
Number of Plants and the Amount of Seed in Relationship to the Results of Regeneration and Afforestation     pdf     HR     EN 71
Summary: Work on natural and artificial regeneration and afforestation
should result in a young, newly established stand, which quickly gains the
characteristics of the forest in accordance with the definition of a forest, as

Forest is represented by the forest soil coherently covered by trees and
underbrush, where wooden mass permanently is produced and beneficial
properties are expressed in ecological (protective) and social functions of the

Nowdays the work on regeneration of the forests encounters the following

— Natural regeneration made difficult because of the worsened conditions
in and on the soil (weeds, swampy soil, soil drying, etc.)
— Absence or impossibility of a high-grade quality seed production
— Mistakes in management interventions, especially in tending and reforestation.
Number of plants and amount of seed per unit of surface at reforestation
and afforestation is a permanently present problem which has to be solved
so that newly established stands are guaranteed a good managemental, ecological
and social future.

Investigation on young (3 and 10 — year old) stands of Pedunculate
Oak and Common Hornbeam has proved that these stands at that age have
a »capacity« of approximately 40,000 woody plants per hectare with an average
standing space of 0.25 m2 per plant.

In our opinion at least 80% should be Pedunculate Oak and the remaining
20% should be Common Hornbeam and other secondary tree species.


This number of plants confirms the need for broadcast sowing of 800
kg acorns, which would, at 200 acorns per kg and 25% germination capacity,
in natural conditions result in approximately 40,000 oak plants per hectare.

When establishing forest cultures it is necessary by afforestation to sow
the number of plants which, in the shortest possible period of time will transfer
the processes of regression into the processes of progression on the site.

Having investigated the influence of different numbers of plants per hectare
(3,000, 5,000 7,000 10,000 15,000, 20,000) on the growth of foest cultures
of Pedunculate Oak at 16 experimental plots, we came to the conclusion that
the increase in the number of plants results in the increase of average height
and height increment, decreases the amount of weed, tending time and costs
per plant.

The best results, success and expectancy was displayed by the stand raised
with 20,000 plants/ha, but an appreciable improvement is visible already at
above 10,000 plants/ha.

Sowing a smaller number of plants increases the amount of weeds, which
directly competes with the planted seedlings taking from them nourishment,
moisture and light, which has an unfavourable effect on the newly established

The enclosed Tables 2 and 3 show data on the species for natural and
artificial reforestation with regard to the method of sowing and planting,
amount of seed, number of plants per hectare (Table 2) and kinds of afforestation
(Table 3).

The quoted data are recommended to be applied in practice.
Trinajstić, L. UDK 630*. *187.001 (497.13)
Mesophilous Hornbeam-Forests (Ass. Anemone-Carpinetum betuli Trinajstić 1964) in Istria (Croatia)     pdf     HR     EN 81
Durbešić, P., Vujčić-Karlo, S., Bukvić, I. UDK 630* 591.9/595.7.001 (497.13)
Faunustic and Zoogeographie Research of Coleoptera-Insecta in some Forest Communities on Mountain Medvednica     pdf     HR     EN 85
Raguž, D., Grubešić, M., Tomljanović, J. i Markota, I. UDK 630* 639.1 (497.13) Ovis ammon musimon Pallas.
Comparison of Trophy Value of some Mouflon Population (Ovis ammon musimon Pallas.) in Croatia     pdf     HR     EN 91
Dimitrov, T. UDK 630* 431.
Biological Parameters Suitable for Improving the Forest Fire Danger Index     pdf     HR     EN 105

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