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Lukić, N. | UDK 630* 561 +182.2 (Fagus sylvatica L.) | |
Dendroclimatology Analysis of Common Beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) on Papuk pdf HR EN | 3 | |
Božić, M., Čavlović, J. | UDK 630* 622 + 624 + 522 (001) | |
The Relationship Between Dominant Height. Dimension of Crop Maturity and Normal Growing Stock in Selection Stands pdf HR EN | 9 | |
Franjić, J., Škvorc, Ž., Čarni, A. | UDK 630* 188(001) | |
Numerical Analysis of Phytosociological Releves in Beech-Fir Forests (Abieti-Fagetum s. l.) in Croatia pdf HR EN | 19 | |
Summary: Today, the numerical analysis in phytosociological research presents a trend in the world, and any publishing of works in foreign phytosociological publications without the numerical analysis practically is impossible. The introduction of phytosociological records into our researches is indispensable, because the number of records for individual associations shows a slow yet permanent increase. The analysis of such a large number of records by classical method (i.e. by making of phytosociological tables) is very difficult and not-easy-to consult.Lately, the phytosociologists are aften criticized for neglecting many ecological parameters in their research, namely for the lack of objectivity in their work. For this reason, nowadays, in the world the statistical methods (such as Correspondence Analysis) are used more and more often, which in addition to the floral composition take into consideration certain ecological parameters, too (temperature, soil, moisture, altitude, exposition, inclination, and the like, comp. Digby & Kempton 1987). Today, in Croatia, there is not a single statistical package for the numerical analysis of phytosociological records, so publishing of works containing such analysis in publications is impossible. In 2000, we stayed several times in Ljubljana in the Institute for Biology at the Slovenian Academy of Arts and Science, where we got acquainted with the work on the said analysis. As there is a co-operation of many years between ourselves and the Institute for Biology in Ljubljana, for this occasion we have prepared a compilation of all earlier phytosociological researches of the beech-fir forests in Croatia. The objective of this work is to encourage our research workers for more intensive (multidisciplinary) researches, with the task to form by means of a more objective approach to phytosociological researches a clearer pictur of the vegetation of Croatia. From all so far unpublished phytosociological works dealing with the beech-fir forests of Croatia (Abieti-Fagetum s. L.), the numerical analysis of phytosociological records has been made. A total of 216 records from 11 sources has been analyzed (Horvat 1938; Bertović et al. 1966; Trinajstić 1970, 1972, 1995; Rauš 1984; Medvedović 1992; Vukelić 1985, 1992; Vukelić & Španjol 1992; Rauš et al. 1996), out of which 78 records from the Dinaric region and 138 records from the Pannonian one (cf. Fig. 1). The average number of species per record is 36 (in the Dinaric region 41 and in the Pannonian one 34). All phytosociological records have been made using the standard Braun-Blanquet’s method. In that, the combined abundance and coverage estimate and the sociality estimate for each species are entered in the tables. The sociality for individual species being more or less permanent, but also unsuitable for the numerical analysis, the combined abundance and coverage estimate only has been used. All data have been entered in one common table in the programme package “TURBO (VEG)” (Hennekens 1996). In that, the Braun-Blanquet’s combined scale for abundace and coverage estimation has been transformed into the vand der Maarel’s ordinal scale (van der Maarel 1979). To all said records, two numerical analysis methods have been applied – the cluster analysis and the multidimensional scaling (cf. Fig. 2 and 3). The numerical analysis has been applied by means of the programme package SYN-TAX 5.02 which is used for multivariant analyses in taxonomy and sinecology. The results of both these methods coincide, but for easier reference the results of multidimensional scaling have bee chosen for interpretation purposes (cf. Fig. 3). In this analysis, the records have been divided into four clearly distinctive groups. The first group consists of the records from the Dinaric region, which are rather homogenous, the second group comprises the records from the Pannonian region, which are also clearly distinctive but less homogenous, while the third and the fourth groups are represented by the records made on the degradated habitats of Pannonian beech-fir forests. One of these two groups comprises the records in which predominant species is the birch with a small participation of the bbch and the fir (a lower succession level), while the other group comprises the records where the beech and fir species are predominant (a higer succession level). Both these groups are well discriminated both between themselves and from the typical Pannonian and Dinaric beech-fir forest. The results of the earlier researches coincide fully whit those ot he phytosociological record numerical analysis, and the difference is in the presentation of results with the numerical analysis being much more acceptable and easier for interpretation. Key words: Abieti-Fagetum; beech-fir forests; Croatia; numerical analysis | ||
Šajković, A. | UDK 630* 120 +UDK 301.153 (001) | |
The Influence of the Quality of Life on Ecological Alttitude pdf HR EN | 27 | |
Sabadi, R. | UDK 630* 904 | |
Portugal, a Brief Note on its Forestry and Forest Industries pdf HR EN | 35 | |
Antonić, O. | UDK 630* 181 + 181.3 | |
Is the Pedunculate Oak species of Climatogenic Distribution in Croatia? pdf HR EN | 45 | |
Dimitrov, T. | UDK 630* 432 | |
The Conclusion of the Croatian Government and the Proposal of Preventive Forest Fire Protection Programme in the Republic of Croatia pdf HR EN | 57 | |
Tonković, D. | UDK 630* 375 | |
Forest Railways in Croatia pdf HR EN | 63 | |