![]() broj: 9-10/2000
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Gubka, K. | UDK 630* 226 + 232 (Qercus petraea Liebl.) 001. | |
Development Dynamics of Young Stands of Sessile Oak after Clear Cutting during the Conversion of Coppice Forests in South Slovakia pdf HR EN | 495 | |
Gračan, J. | UDK 630* 165 | |
Conservation of Forest Genetic Resources in Croatia – Phase I and II pdf HR EN | 503 | |
Zelić, J. | UDK 630* 569 + 611 | |
A Contribution to the Discussion about the Growth, Increment and Sustainable Development Theory pdf HR EN | 515 | |
Vukelić, M. | UDK 630* 902 | |
The Municipality of Otočac pdf HR EN | 533 | |
Vučetić, M., Dimitrov, T. | UDK 630* 431 + 432.1 | |
Weather Conditions and Forest Fires in the Coastal Area of the Republic of Croatia during 1999 pdf HR EN | 549 | |
Summary: In this paper analysis of the weather conditions during the period June to September 1999 is presented which were essential for rising or diminishing potential danger of developing and spreading forest fires. It was shown that the more frequent frontal systems or upper lows were discontinuing dry periods not allowing to form a sequence of days without percipitation longer than 32 days what was recorded on Lastovo island. In the paper the SSR (Seasonal Severity Rating) values are presented for a part of Croatia as a sesonal indicator of the potential wildfire danger class. Both presentations are in concordance with the weather conditions during the period June to September 1999.Authors are expecting continuing reserch on problems of preventive protection against fire of Mediterranean forests and finally fire climate mapping the Mediterranean and Submediterranean region of Croatia. Key words: Fire Weather Index; forest fire; Seasonal Severity Rating | ||