broj: 7-8/1997        pdf (32,5 MB)


                    stari brojevi      novi broj

Znanstveno-stručno i staleško glasilo
Hrvatskoga šumarskoga društva
Journal of Forestry Society of Croatia
      Prvi puta izašao 1877. godine i neprekidno izlazi do današnjeg dana
   ISSN No.: 0373-1332              UDC 630*
upute autorima

select * from clancislEN where brojid=199707 and arb=1 order by id

Topić, V. UDK 630* 232.1 (001)
Usage of native Deciduous Plants for Karst Afforestation     pdf     HR     EN 343
Komlenović, N., Matković, N., Moćan, D., Rastovski, P. UDK 630* 48 (001)
Introduction of Air Pollutants into the Beech and Fir Forest (Abieti-fagetum "dinaricum ") into the Region of Lividraga m Western Croatia     pdf     HR     EN 353
Summary: Since 1995 systematic measuring of deposits has been carried out in a forest of Beech and Fir in the area of Lividraga in western Croatia. The basic ecological characteristics of the investigated stand are given in Table 1: A forest community Abieti-fagetun-"dinaricum" with chromic cambisol soil type. Nine collectors for precipitation water were systematically distributed in the stand by the diagonals of the plot, 30x30 meters in size. A precipitation collector was also set up in the open. The precipitation quantities, their pH values and the amounts of analysed chemical ingredients in the open and in the stand for a period of one year are presented in Table 2.

These data show that the quantities of precipitation in the stand are smaller than those in the open by approximately 23. However, it should be noted that the total amount of precipitation is very high for our conditions. The total quantities of individual chemical ingredients, deposited in the one-year period, by area units, are shown in Table 3.

Sulphur deposits are probably smaller here due to decrease ofS02 emissions in the Rijeka-Bakar area. Comparated to the open area, the deposition of sulphur in the stand was higher by approximately 20. In the case of other elements this difference is smaller, or even negative. This can be explained by the fact that Lividraga is protected from the western and southern winds by a high mountain range. The amount of nitrogen introduced into the stand is approximately equal to the amount of introduced sulphur, while in the open area it was greater than the amount of sulphur. There was more nitrogen in the form of ammonia than in the form of nitrate. In spite of the plentiful supply od nitrogen its concentrations in the needles of the Fir and Spruce, and leaves of the Beech, are not high. This can be explained by the great amounts of precipitation and its consequent intensive washing out from the soil. The precipitation water contained a high amount of chlorine. This is probably due to vicinity of the sea.

The introduction of abundant calcium by means of precipitation is favourable. Because of this and the lime-stone base the micro-site method did not confirm immissional acidification of the soil. In 1996 damage to the Fir in Lividraga was considerably less (48.9) than the average degree of damage in Croatia (69.4).

Orlić, S., Komlenović, N., Rastovski, P., Ocvirek, M. UDK 630* 232.1 + 569 (001)
Growth and Biomass Production of Six Coniferous Species on Luvisol     pdf     HR     EN 361
Bojanin, S., Krpan, A. P. B. UDK 630* 369 + 379 (001)
Possibilities of High and Complete Mechanisation of felling and processing, and the mechanisation of skidding in Croatian forests     pdf     HR     EN 371
Pičman, D., Pentek, T. UDK 630* 381+ 383
Different Possibilities of Application of Geo-synthetics as a Method of Soil Stabilization in Forest Road Construction     pdf     HR     EN 383
Skoko, M. UDK 630* 902.1
Fran Žaver Kesterčanek, a Great Name in the History of Croatian Forestry     pdf     HR     EN 391
Markotić, M. UDK 630* 907.1 : 231
Research on the Regeneration of the Evergreen Oak Forests on the Brijuni Islands     pdf     HR     EN 405
Pleše Ivan - Lukeža UDK 630* 469
The Ecological Issues of Gorski Kotar     pdf     HR     EN 415
Šimić, I. UDK 630* 431 + 439
The Impact of the Phytocoenological Conditions on the Extention of the Burnt Area     pdf     HR     EN 425

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