broj: 9-10/1995        pdf (16,9 MB)


                    stari brojevi      novi broj

Znanstveno-stručno i staleško glasilo
Hrvatskoga šumarskoga društva
Journal of Forestry Society of Croatia
      Prvi puta izašao 1877. godine i neprekidno izlazi do današnjeg dana
   ISSN No.: 0373-1332              UDC 630*
upute autorima

select * from clancislEN where brojid=199509 and arb=1 order by id

Matić, S.
Croatia Forestry as an Active Participant in the Foundation and Development of a Modern Croatian University in Zagreb     PDF 287
Vukelić, J.
Implementation of the Wildlife Management and Hunting Act     PDF 293
Topić, V. UDK 630*421.1.001
Influence of Forest Vegetation Fighting of Erosion in the Torrent Flow on the Mediterranean Part of Croatia     pdf     HR     EN 299
Grubešić, M., Njakara, B., Tomljanjović, J. UDK 630*639.1.1(497.13) Ovis ammon musimon Pallas
Analiza trofeja muflona odstrijeljenih na poluotoku Pelješcu     pdf     HR     EN 305
Krejči, V., Vrbek, B. UDK 630*111.772 (Carpino Betuli - Quercetum roboris subbas. typicum Anić 1959. emend. Rauš 1969).
Distribution of Precipitation in the Community of Pedunculate Oak and Common Hornbeam at the Area of Česma Basin Influenced by the Age and Species of Trees     pdf     HR     EN 317
Sikora, J. UDK 630*231(255)
Sustainment and Natural Reforestation of Forest Vegetation in Flooded Terrain     pdf     HR     EN 323
Kajba, D. UDK 630*232.5 (Populus sp., Salix sp.)
Clonal Forestry and its Perspectives     pdf     HR     EN 329
Summary: Genetic advantages of clonal seedling material gave rise to the more intensive works on the vegetative propagation, making it possible for the combination of properties occurred either spontaneously in the nature or under the influence ofthe man to become permanently fixed. The clonal forestry includes the methods of clonal propagation and rejuvenilization, the clonal material selection and testing, the development of clonal mixtures favorable

for particular sites and for various uses of clonal cultures as well as further researches which follow the development of the modern biotechnology. The disadvantages of clonal forestry may be reduced to the minimum, and the advantages of clonal seedling material in multiclonal cultures established by the mixture of divergent genotypes, which with respect to the stability ofthe ecosystem will be the nearest to the natural ecosystems, may be utilized to the full extent. The regions of lowland forests of Croatia, in addition to their function of pioneer plantations, are potential sites for obtaining high production of woodmass in the cultures of selected poplar and arborescent willow clones thus facilitating the renewal of more valuable broadleaved tree species.
Key words: clonal forestry; multiclonal cultures
Jurković, M., Jurković-Bevilacqua, B. UDK 630*232.322.5.(497.13) Sequoia sempervirens (D. Don) Endl.
Finding Place of Coast Redwood — Sequoia sempervirens (D. Don) Endl. in Zagreb     pdf     HR     EN 335
Starčević, T. UDK 630*24-28
Program of Remedial Silvicultural Operations     pdf     HR     EN 341

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