broj: 11-12/2002        pdf (28,5 MB)


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Znanstveno-stručno i staleško glasilo
Hrvatskoga šumarskoga društva
Journal of Forestry Society of Croatia
      Prvi puta izašao 1877. godine i neprekidno izlazi do današnjeg dana
   ISSN No.: 0373-1332              UDC 630*
upute autorima

select * from clancislEN where brojid=200211 and arb=1 order by id

Krpan, A. P. B., Poršinsky, T. UDK 630* 360 + 662 (001)
The Productivity of Timberjack 1070 Harvester in Scotch Pine thinning     pdf     HR     EN 551
Vučetić, M. UDK 630* 111 + 431 (001)
Weather Conditions and Comparison of the Forest Fire Season 2001 With the Long-term Mean Values     pdf     HR     EN 563
Anić, I., Oršanić, M., Detelić, M. UDK 630* 429 + 231
The Revitalisation of Degraded Forest Ecosystem After the Dieback of Pedunculate Oak - a Case Study in the Kalje Forest     pdf     HR     EN 575
Frković, A. UDK 630* 156
On Croatian Deer Antlers     pdf     HR     EN 589
Starčević, T., Dundović, J., Knepr, J. UDK 630* 156 + 180
Forest Ecosystems Under the Circumstances of Separated Managements of Forests and Hunting Areas     pdf     HR     EN 595
Majnarić, D. UDK 630* 156
Bear Management as a Task of State Forestry     pdf     HR     EN 601
Summary: The Republic of Croatia is, together with Slovenia, the first country from Western Europe eastwards to have well-preserved bear habitats and a sufficient number of bears to ensure the survival of this animal species. Due to constant emigration of the local population since World War Two, bear habitats have been increasing in size and improving in quality.The European brown bear in on the World List of Endangered Animal Species, and the Republic of Croatia is a signatory of the Bern Convention, the CITES Convention, the Convention on Biological Diversity and the Directive on the Protection of Natural Habitats and Wild Fauna and Flora. Pursuant to Article 22 of the Bern Convention, Croatia has requested a Reserve in connection with animal species in the Annexes with regard to bear hunt. Within the Action plan of brown bear protection, Croatia is obliged to draw up a national plan of bear management. Until 1935 the bear was unprotected, and was hunted by forest owners, rangers and peasants.
From 1935, bear could be hunted with the permission of state authorities. In 1953 the bear was protected with close season. From 1990 - 1999, the death of 273 bears was recorded, of which hunting accounts for 50.1 %, poaching for 9.5 %, traffic for 16.5 %, war actions for 13.5 %, and other and unknown causes account for 10.4 %. In Croatia, the average annual bear nutrition with offal was 446 kg/1 head of bear.
Bear habitats cover an area of 842,880 ha in Croatia. Within this area there are state hunting grounds (60.20 %), county hunting grounds (33.57 %) and national parks (6.23 %).
The last bear count at the country level was made in 1999 and the fund at that time was 623 heads or 0.74 heads / 1,000 ha.
The increase in bear population is high and comes to 1.075 heads per sexually mature bear female. Females most frequently have 2 cubs (54.4 %),
3 cubs (29.8 %), 1 cub (14.7 %) and rarely 4 cubs (1.0 %).
The bear is on the list of big game, and is protected with close season from 16 May - 30 September. Bear management is regulated by laws, regulations and documents of which the Hunting Law is the most important.
The plan of bear management should rectify past errors relating to management in undersized areas. It should be taken into account that the building of motorways has divided the bear habitat into four smaller parts. Motorways have become obstacles to bear movement, and crossings are possible only above tunnels and under bridges and viaducts. The route of the Zagreb - Rijeka motorway going through the bear habitat is 56.85 km long and crossings are possible in 25 places in the length of 14.40 km (25.34 %). The section Bosiljevo - Sveti Rok thought the bear habitat is 144.83 km long and crossings are possible in 19 places in the length of 23.10 km (15.95 %). For practical reasons, bears should be managed in the areas divided by motorways. In these areas (1-4) bears should be counted in terms of their sexual and age structure, their increase should be calculated and the kill determined. After calculating the kill in large areas (habitats 1-4), the kill should be distributed by hunting grounds taking into account their size, past management and the specific features of individual grounds. Management plans should contain measures of additional bear nutrition, which is important primarily in the sense of keeping bears in forests. In this case they will inflict less damage to agricultural areas. Nutrition also accelerates their growth and increase in the number. With good quality feed a male aged 4 achieves the trophy value of fur of over 300 CIC points, and a male aged 8 of over 400 CIC points. Bears should be fed with corn and oats throughout the year (except in the period of hibernation) with a minimal quantity of 0.5 kg/head daily. To satisfy their need for protein, bears should also be fed with dried meaty food. It is also important to sow oats over a minimal area of 500 m2/head of bear. Of other food, bears should be fed with ground corn dipped in sugar treacle, different kinds of seasonal fruit not suitable for human nutrition, fruit and brewery spent grain and silage corn.
Croatian Forests is a state forest organisation that manages with
38 hunting grounds sized 336,197 ha, of which 6 are bear hunting grounds with an area of 115,277 ha. The hunting grounds are in the highest class and are among the best quality hunting grounds in Croatia, enabling the rearing of up to 2.5 heads / 1,000 ha. The current annual kill is 19.33 heads, which is too low in relation to the quality of hunting grounds. The most important task of Croatian Forests in the coming period involves the following: to increase the number of bears to 2 heads / 1,000 ha and the corresponding kill, to build hunting-management and hunting-technical facilities where they are missing, to increase the number of oat fields, to permanently educate hunting personnel, to promote hunting grounds and cooperate with the national commission for drawing management plans and with all institutions dealing with the protection of the bear and its habitats.

Raguž, D., Grubešić, M., Starčević, T. UDK 630* 156 + 945
The Tradition of Educating Forestry Personnel for the Needs of Hunting Management in the Republic of Croatia     pdf     HR     EN 613
Vratarić, P., Tarnaj, I. UDK 630* 156 + 135
Hunting Management in State Forests as Key Factor in the Transfer of Red Deer (Cervus elaphus) and Wild Boar (Sus scrofa) Breeding Stock     pdf     HR     EN 617
Križaj, D., Vodolšak, M. UDK 630* 156 + 931
Legal Provisions Regulating Game Loss and Damage from Game, and Protection Measures     pdf     HR     EN 623

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