broj: 11-12/2010        pdf (7,55 MB)


                    stari brojevi      novi broj

Znanstveno-stručno i staleško glasilo
Hrvatskoga šumarskoga društva
Journal of Forestry Society of Croatia
      Prvi puta izašao 1877. godine i neprekidno izlazi do današnjeg dana
   ISSN No.: 0373-1332              UDC 630*
upute autorima

select * from clancislEN where brojid=201011 and arb=1 order by id

Branimir Prpić
AT THE END OF THE YEAR     pdf     HR     EN 557
Vukelić, J., A. Alegro, V. Šegota, I. Šapić UDK 630* 188 + 174.7 (001)
Nomenclatural-Phytocoenological revision of the Association Calamagrostio variae-Piceetum dinaricum Bertović 1975, nom. illeg. in Croatia     pdf     HR     EN 559
Zebec, M., M. Idžojtić, I. Poljak, I. Mihaldinec UDK 630* 164 (001)
The Variability of Field Elm (Ulmus minor Mill. sensu latissimo) in Croatian Drava River Valley According to the Leaf Morphology     pdf     HR     EN 569
Cojzer, M., R. Brus UDK 630* 182 (001)
Species Composition and Successional Pathways on Abandoned Agricultural Land in Haloze     pdf     HR     EN 581
Cetl, V., B. Barišić, I. Šarušić UDK 630* 582
Transfer of Cadastral data into the New State Coordinate System HTRS96/TM     pdf     HR     EN 593
Kovácsová, P., M. Antalová UDK 630* 589
Precision Forestry – Definition and Technologies     pdf     HR     EN 603
Landekić, Matija UDK 630* 302 + 384
Organizational Culture and Occupational Safety in the Croatian Forestry Sector     pdf     HR     EN 613
Summary: The first part of the paper represents an overview of the topics (Table 1) related to occupational safety and health presented at the 3rd International confe­rence “Occupational safety and health”, which was held in late September in Zadar. In the introduction, the level of national security in key economic sectors in Croatia (Table 2 and 3) is shown thru usage of standard indicators and beyond. The second part briefly presents the current research done at the Faculty of Forestry in Zagreb with a priority focus on activities that aim to improve level of safety and health of fo­rest workers. Emphasis is placed on the need for establishment of a Center for forest work (Figure 1), as well as for improving the working conditions of technology, qua­lity and occupational safety in forestry, both in private and state forestry sector.
The central part of the paper presents the status of health and safety at work in the state forestry company in relation to other economic activities in Croatia for the year 2009 thru usage of indicators like ‘number of injuries and number of approved occu­pational diseases per 1000 employees’ (Figure 2 and 5). In such a comparison state-owned Croatian Forests Ltd. shows a very high index of 29.40 injuries per 1000 employees, which makes the highest index in relation to other economic activities. Si­multaneously, the collective activity farming, forestry and fishery is located at the rear with 7.95 injuries per 1000 employees. Comparing approved occupational di­seases in 2009, the state forestry company manifests the highest index of occupatio­nal diseases per 1000 employees, where the index is approximately 4.6 times higher than the index in the manufacturing industry which is 0.45. There is a significant and alarming differences between the indexes despite the halved number of injuries over the past ten years in the state forestry company, which indicates to a needs for scien­tific insight to the issue of continuous of numerous risks and high risk of forest work, as well as to standardized work processes and low awareness of employees especially about the importance of proper and sustained use of large and smalls vacation and general timeline.
Key words: economic activities in Croatia; organizational culture; safety and health in forestry; the comparison of the conditions in 2009
Balenović, I., H. Marjanović, M. Benko UDK 630* 569 + 587
Application of Aerial Photographs in Forest Management in Croatia     pdf     HR     EN 623

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