broj: 1-2/1997        pdf (27,0 MB)


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Znanstveno-stručno i staleško glasilo
Hrvatskoga šumarskoga društva
Journal of Forestry Society of Croatia
      Prvi puta izašao 1877. godine i neprekidno izlazi do današnjeg dana
   ISSN No.: 0373-1332              UDC 630*
upute autorima

select * from clancislEN where brojid=199701 and arb=1 order by id

Šugar, I. UDK 630* 174.7.001
Critical Contribution to the Croatian Botanical Nomenclature     pdf     HR     EN 3
Meštrović, Š. UDK 630* 612.001
Growing Stock and Increment in the Marjan Park Forest     pdf     HR     EN 13
Komlenović, N. UDK 630* 237 : 279.001
Application of Slow Release Fertilizers in Production of Mediterranean Pine Seedlings     pdf     HR     EN 19
Summary: In an experiment with one-year old plants Aleppo Pine and Stone
Pine plants the effect of two types of slow re/ease "Osmocote" fertilizers,
classical phosphorous fertilizer superphosphate and a complex fertilizer

7:14:21 were examined. The effect of fertilisation on growth and plant nutrition,
and the quality of the seedlings produced, was investigated. Peat from
Latvia was used as a sowing substrate.
In all treatments a positive effect of fertilisation on plant growth was confirmed.
A relatively stronger reaction to the applied mineral fertilizers was observed
in Aleppo Pine compared to Stone Pine.

In a coinbonaliou in which 3 kg in´ of "Osmocote Mini " was introduced into
the substrate, plants of both species had the greatest heights, and Aleppo Pine
plants also had the greatest diameters.

A dose of 6 kg/ms of "Osmocote Mini "fertilizer negatively influenced plant
growth compared to a dose 3 kg/in´ of the same fertilizer. The plants had
bluish-green needles and werepoortly lignificd.

BY dividing the 3 kg/in1 dose of "Osmocote Mini "fertilizer into two parts
and introducing 1.5 kg/nf into the substrate, and the remaining pari applied by top dressing, did not have a positive effect on plant growth. Surface application
of this fertilizer negatively affected root development.

The introduction of superphosphate and complex fertilizer positively affected
the growth of Aleppo Pine. Better result was achieved by superphosphate.
Very good lignification of plants was determined by treatment with superphosphate
in both investigated species and a positive effect of phosphorous on development
or root system.

Additional treatment wich "Osmocote Mini"ferlizer had a stronger effect
on plant growth than "Osmocote Sierrablen".

The applied fertilization had an effect on increased concentrations of relevant
nutritional elements in the substrate and plants. Better developed plants
of Stone Pine accumulated significantly more nutriens than Aleppo Pine
plants. The use of mineral fertilizer had a strong effect on absorption of corresponding
nutriens in both investigated species.

With a dose of 1.5 kg/m3 "Osmocote Mini" high quality Stone Pine seedlings
were cultivated, while in the case of Allepo Pine the dose should be
Key words: superphosphate; NPK fertlizer 7:14:21; Pinus halepensis; Pinus pinea; growth; seedling quality; "Osmocote Mini"; "Osmocote Sierrablen"
Meštrović, Š., Glavaš, M. UDK 630* 689.001
Research Into the Mediterranean Forest System in the Republic of Croatia     pdf     HR     EN 29
Piškorić, O. UDK 630* 902 : 902.1.001
Dragutin Kos, Founder of the Croatian Forestry Society     pdf     HR     EN 35

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