broj: 1-2/1995        pdf (12,4 MB)


                    stari brojevi      novi broj

Znanstveno-stručno i staleško glasilo
Hrvatskoga šumarskoga društva
Journal of Forestry Society of Croatia
      Prvi puta izašao 1877. godine i neprekidno izlazi do današnjeg dana
   ISSN No.: 0373-1332              UDC 630*
upute autorima

select * from clancislEN where brojid=199501 and arb=1 order by id

Tomašević, A. UDK 630*228.3 001 (Pinus halepensis Mill P. pinea L.)
Comparative Presentation for Growth Ability of Aleppo Pine (Pinus halepensis Mill) and Stone Pine (Pinus pinea L.) in Mixed Stands in the »Musapstan« Management Unit Forest Office of Zadar     pdf     HR     EN 3
Mrva, F. UDK 630*165.4.001/2 (Juglans regia L.)
Breeding Model of Persian Walnut (Juglans regia L.) — Some results and research trends     pdf     HR     EN 15
Hrašovec, B. UDK 630*453:(413+414)
Feromone Traps — Modern Biotechnical Method in Integrated Bark Beetle Management     pdf     HR     EN 27
Getz, D. UDK 630*15.9(497.13 - Baranja)
The Endangerment of some Species of Hunting Wildlife and Permanently Protected Animals From the Application of Protective Chemical Agents on the Hunting-Forestry Areas in the North-Eastern Part of Baranja     pdf     HR     EN 33
Summary: In the period from 1960—1990. on the hunting-forestry ground in Baranja and in the close surroundings of the town Osijek, a large number of animals was found, for which there was a suspicion that they had died because of poisoning with unkhown protective device.

We were finding dead and sick animals in the area of the hunting ground Belje (Special ZOO Reservation Kopački rit) and on the fields of Agricultural

— industrial combine »Belje«. Only a small number of animals has been found in the close surroundings of the town Osijek, Poisoning endanger is bigger in the zone of meeting the cultural steppe with the natural ecosystems. According to our observations, the most endangered species are: does, boars, European hare and shrews (Soricidae), and birds: wild geese, white-tailed sea eagles, gulls and rook crows. Fish is also endangered as well as numerous kinds of invertebrates that live in the water parts of this area.

Intoxication was proved only in the case of white-tailed sea eagles and fish. Dying of deer and other useful animals appears mostly because of the carelessness of protective device worker. It is necessary to intensity traffic control and control of the protective device use. In the cases of damage because of deer and birds, it is recommended to use most acceptable ecological devices which are in official use. Farmers must greater attention and be considerate of deer in the zone of meeting the natural ecosystem with the cultural steppe.Summary: In the period from 1960—1990. on the hunting-forestry ground in Baranja and in the close surroundings of the town Osijek, a large number of animals was found, for which there was a suspicion that they had died because of poisoning with unkhown protective device.

We were finding dead and sick animals in the area of the hunting ground Belje (Special ZOO Reservation Kopački rit) and on the fields of Agricultural

— industrial combine »Belje«. Only a small number of animals has been found in the close surroundings of the town Osijek, Poisoning endanger is bigger in the zone of meeting the cultural steppe with the natural ecosystems. According to our observations, the most endangered species are: does, boars, European hare and shrews (Soricidae), and birds: wild geese, white-tailed sea eagles, gulls and rook crows. Fish is also endangered as well as numerous kinds of invertebrates that live in the water parts of this area.

Intoxication was proved only in the case of white-tailed sea eagles and fish. Dying of deer and other useful animals appears mostly because of the carelessness of protective device worker. It is necessary to intensity traffic control and control of the protective device use. In the cases of damage because of deer and birds, it is recommended to use most acceptable ecological devices which are in official use. Farmers must greater attention and be considerate of deer in the zone of meeting the natural ecosystem with the cultural steppe.Summary: In the period from 1960—1990. on the hunting-forestry ground in Baranja and in the close surroundings of the town Osijek, a large number of animals was found, for which there was a suspicion that they had died because of poisoning with unkhown protective device.

We were finding dead and sick animals in the area of the hunting ground Belje (Special ZOO Reservation Kopački rit) and on the fields of Agricultural

— industrial combine »Belje«. Only a small number of animals has been found in the close surroundings of the town Osijek, Poisoning endanger is bigger in the zone of meeting the cultural steppe with the natural ecosystems. According to our observations, the most endangered species are: does, boars, European hare and shrews (Soricidae), and birds: wild geese, white-tailed sea eagles, gulls and rook crows. Fish is also endangered as well as numerous kinds of invertebrates that live in the water parts of this area.

Intoxication was proved only in the case of white-tailed sea eagles and fish. Dying of deer and other useful animals appears mostly because of the carelessness of protective device worker. It is necessary to intensity traffic control and control of the protective device use. In the cases of damage because of deer and birds, it is recommended to use most acceptable ecological devices which are in official use. Farmers must greater attention and be considerate of deer in the zone of meeting the natural ecosystem with the cultural steppe.
Key words: Kopački rit; wildlife; birds; poisoning; protection . .
Dimitrov, T. UDK 630*431.9:18(497.13 - Jadransko područje)
Influence of Weather Conditions on the Occurrence of Forest Fires Along the Adriatic Coast and Islands During 1994.     pdf     HR     EN 39

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