broj: 1-2/1998        pdf (30,4 MB)


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Znanstveno-stručno i staleško glasilo
Hrvatskoga šumarskoga društva
Journal of Forestry Society of Croatia
      Prvi puta izašao 1877. godine i neprekidno izlazi do današnjeg dana
   ISSN No.: 0373-1332              UDC 630*
upute autorima

select * from clancislEN where brojid=199801 and arb=1 order by id

Rastovski, P. UDK 630* 232.3 + 232.4
State of Nutrition of Plants in Forest Nurseries of the Forest Administration "Split" with Regard to Soil Fertility and Substrates, Cultivation Method     pdf     HR     EN 3
Nodilo, M. UDK 630* 272 + 230
The Garden of Benedictine Monastery on St. Mary´s Islet on Mljet     pdf     HR     EN 9
Pičman, D., Pentek, T. UDK 630* 383 + 686 : 630* 432
Relative Openness of the Forest Area and its Use in the Construction of the Forest Fire Prevention Roads     pdf     HR     EN 19
Vondra, V. UDK 630* 901 + 907
The Forestry of the Czech Republic, the Strategy and the Course of its Development     pdf     HR     EN 31
Summary: In the period between 1989 and 1993 (Czechoslovakia) the today´s Czech Republic, like most countries in transition, witnessed the fall of the industrial production and the living standard, both accompanied with the abrupt rise of the prices. A turning point in the economy was the year 1993. In the period between 1994 and 1996, the gross national product in the Czech Republic rose by 45 %, export by 52 %, import 85 %, and salaries 48 %. From 1990 until the end of 1996, the cumulative direct investments of the foreign capital amounted to about 6.8·109 USD.The Czech ´coupon´ privatization is considered as the most successfully implemented privatization of all transition countries of the Central and East Europe. It ended with more than 6 million shareholders. Besides the reform of the fiscal policy, on January 1 1993 the VAT was introduced. The 1997 liberalization of the by that time expressively restrictive monetary policy caused the rise in housing, some services and oil energy, and the fall of investments. After a three-year period of the economic rise, the second half of 1997 announces the recession of the Czech economy.
By making and accepting the state forestry policy, the Czech Republic has implemented the signed obligations of Strasbourg and Helsinki concerning the participation of the country in the permanent international endeavors for the protection and improvement of the Czech and European forests. It has thus also complied to some of the conditions for entering the European Union.
In the process of the forest ownership restitution by the end of 1996, more than 86 % of all applications have been settled. The remaining are complex cases that will be settled in court.
The Ministry of agriculture has developed an information system that enables operative and interactive comparisons of the forest status beginning with 1984. A precondition for using the system was the development and implementation of the GIS-technologies throughout the country.
Since 1994, for the purpose of informing the public on the status and business activity of the country´s forest economy, the Ministry of agriculture has issued a state-financed Yearly Report, collectively done by all competent authorities and individuals. The job was given to the Institute for Forest Care and Management, a composite part of the Forest Department of the Ministry of Agriculture.
The health state of the forests has been evaluated on the base of satellite photography Landstat-TM. A standard Landsat-TM photograph covers 185 x 185 km in seven different colors with a pixels 30 x 30 m. The photography is taken every 16 days from the distance of 700 km.
In stand restoration the ratio of the broadleaved seedlings is increasing yearly, for the purpose of gradual realization of the forest strategy policy which says, that the forest stock per tree species should step-by-step approach former natural relations. In order to achieve the natural stand structures per tree species, a period of about 300 years is assumed.
For stimulating the economies that are below the average standards, or due to the absence of conditions necessary for sustainable management, the government gives financial supports to the owners of small forest estates. The financing of the management in state forests was canceled completely in 1996.
The ratio of calamity cuts in the felling volume has remained the major issue in the forest management.
The statistic inventory throughout the country has established that the game caused round 19% of all recorded tree damage. The wildlife population must therefore be controlled. Accordingly, the reduction of the deer and mouflon population has started.
The information programs for searching and graphical presentation of the forest data have been developed. The minimum indispensable conditions for forestry policy implementation have thus been achieved. Also, the strategic decisions based on the data of the yearly forest status for each local territorial unit, both at the regional and/or state level have been made.
The Ministry of agriculture appointed a work group composed of the experts from the government, forest authorities, scientists and forest owners, commissioned to make a model for forest certification in the Czech Republic.
A new Forest Law has been passed. It presents a administrative act for opening new strategies of forest and forestry development as part of the national forestry policy. The new law is a legal model for fulfillment of the major forest functions, complying to the European model of the nature-close, sustainable management, and forest biodiversity.
The rights, authority and responsibilities of the MA and the Ministry of Environment have been defined. The Ministry of Environment is the bearer of developing the national environmental policy.
The models for calculating the state reimbursements for temporary or permanent reassignment of forest function are composite parts of the Forest Law. The reimbursements are paid to the assignment fund of the Ministry of Environment.
A supplementary Act on Forest Law implementation was passed in 1996. It explains the basic rules and criteria for requiring a state support for forest management, beginning with the year 1997.
Forest research (assigned to institutes, faculties and private agencies) functions as a solution of the problems associated to the efficient administration of the National Forestry Policy.
The results of the so far done research on the nonwood forest functions may and should be applied to the legislative and evaluation methods of the general forest functions.
The Czech Republic and many other European countries are taking their first steps in collecting the data, forming the rules for many interacting factors concerning forests and the natural environment. This is necessary for the permanent changes and supplements to the forest policies and forest management legislative for the management of the whole living environment.

Key words: economic changes in forestry; economic changes; forest development strategy; forest privatization; forestry legislative; forestry policy; nonwood forest function.; ownership restitution; state support to forestry
Stojković, M. UDK 630* 939
The Method of Discussion in the Economy of State Forests in the Periodicals of 1928     pdf     HR     EN 53

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