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Scientific-technical and professional journal
of Croatia Forestry Society
                         Issued continously since 1877.
       First issue of this web edition start with number 1-2/2008.
   ISSN No.: 1846-9140              UDC 630*https://doi.org/10.31298/sl

Portal of scientific
journals of Croatia
   Issued by: Croatian Forestry Society

   Address: Trg Mažuraniĉa 11, HR-10000 Zagreb, Croatia
   Phone/fax: ++385 1 4828477
   e-mail: urednistvo@sumari.hr
   Editor in Chief: Josip Margaletiĉ

Uredništvo HŠD   5
Climate change as the biggest challenge      
Antun Jelinèiĉ, Joso Vukeliĉ, Dora Papkoviĉ  
Phytosociological research into the Illyrian oak–hornbeam forest on the limestone cliffs of Kupa River canyon(Kamanje, West-Central Croatia      
In this paper, we present 14 relevés of oak-hornbeam forest from the limestone cliffs of Kupa River canyon in Kamanje, West-Central Croatia. The investigated forest is part of the Natura 2000 ecological network, and it represents one of the rare remnants of climax forest in the area that is not highly influenced by anthropogenic management. Plant ­community composition was recorded using the six-degree Braun-Blanquet scale, and its relation to similar forests studied by other authors was assessed using agglomerative hierarchical clustering. Because of the abundance of limestone rocks and consequently microhabitats, the forest is very species-rich, with a total of 164 vascular species ­recorded, ranging from 42 to 80 species per relevé. The Kamanje forest belongs to the association Epimedio-Carpinetum betuli, with regard to traditional classification to the subassociation staphyletosum, and is rich in species of the Illyrian-­ -­Balkan floral geoelement. However, compared to the forests of the same association from other areas, this forest has some distinct floristic features. Among the trees, Quercus petraea is replaced by Q. robur. The herb layer is abundant with ferns, and geophytes and hemicryptophytes are much more frequent. The most distinct feature of the forest is the high abundance of ferns from the class Asplenietea trichomanis, specifically Asplenium trichomanes and Polypodium vulgare. The cluster analyses separated the Kamanje forest as a unique group in relation to all other traditional ­subassociations. The Kamanje forest could be considered as a fern-rich subass. staphyletosum. However, only after the problems of traditional classification of Epimedio-Carpinetum betuli into subassociations are resolved will the exact floristic context of the studied forest be clearer.
Keywords: Epimedio-Carpinetum betuli; Illyrian oak forests; semi-natural forests; Natura 2000 forest; peri-Pannonian biogeographic region

    Antun Jelinèiĉ
    VUKELIĈ, Joso    ŠL
    Dora Papkoviĉ
Dane Marèeta, Josip Maglica, Vladimir Petkoviĉ, Dragan Èomiĉ  
Productivity of Timberjack 350A and Tree Farmer C5D skidders in group-selective cutting and assortment metho      
In the forestry of Bosnia and Herzegovina winching and skidding of wood assortments is usually done with skidders equipped with a cable winch. This is one of the most expensive and technologically challenging activities of forest exploitation. It is of great importance to analyse the productivity of these machines as often as possible, to obtain the most efficient solutions in the forest harvesting technologies and to increase the profitability of harvesting operations. In this research, the productivity of two cable skidders, Timberjack 350A and Tree Farmer C5D, were analysed to determine their productivity and applicability in conditions of group-selective forest management and motor-manual assortment harvesting method. The goal was also to investigate how mobile Android application AlpineQuest can simplify field data collection during a work study. The results of this research showed that older-generation skidders could be partially competitive with new-generation skidders when it comes to productivity, but for credible conclusion much more detailed investigation should be done. However, there are also many other features, such as ergonomic, ecological and some at first glance invisible technological changes that give the newer skidders a significant advantage. What is a big challenge for local forestry companies is that the official norms that have been used for a long time have been overcome, and they provide completely unreliable data about the time required for the execution of work, from which it follows that the accuracy of the economic plan is also questionable. Using the AlpineQuest application in data collection during the time and work-study has proven to be very successful. It found its greatest use in measuring winching and skidding distances, but it also generally facilitated workers’ orientation and movement in the area.
Keywords: skidding,utjecajni èimbenici,produktivnost

    Dane Marèeta
    Josip Maglica
    Vladimir Petkoviĉ
    Dragan Èomiĉ
Murat Yilmaz, Seda Erkan Bugday  
Planning of forest recreation services at provincial scale with a multi-criteria approach : A case of Türkiy      
The planning of forest services is becoming more crucial day by day, depending on the people’s tendency to the services provided by forests. For this reason, this study focused on planning of recreation service, which is one of the non-wood forest products and services offered in forests in Türkiye. The distribution of national parks, nature parks, and A-, B-, C-, and D-type recreational areas, which are all types of recreational areas in forests, were evaluated by weighted overlay analysis at the provincial level in Türkiye. The criteria that can express the distribution of people in the country and the forest assets and existing recreational areas (Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per capita, number of people per km2, population growth rate, ratio of forest area to the overall area, and total forest recreation areas) were used. The criteria data of the provinces were rasterized and a reclassify analysis was performed with the obtained raster, dividing data into five categories. Weighted overlay analysis was carried out using the reclass maps. As a result of the analysis, in terms of planning recreational areas, the provinces were divided into three priority categories. The provinces, included in the first priority province category in the study, are those located in the south, east and southeast of Türkiye (where asylum seekers and irregular migrants enter Türkiye), those located along the line extending from the northwest to the interior provinces (important centers of both internal immigration and industrialization) and those located in the middle of Türkiye ( the ones that are poor in terms of forest assets). In this study, it was emphasized that the recreational areas of the provinces are planned to depend on the changing provincial populations with both internal and external migrations and economy. In addition, a different approach is presented to planners to manage of utilization of forest recreation services according to different needs, by evaluating forests and the changing characteristics of society structure altogether.
Keywords: social and economic criteria,forest services,multi-criteria approach,national parks,nature parks

    Murat Yilmaz
    Seda Erkan Bugday
Barbaros Yaman, Esra Pulat, Ismet Daşdemir, Yagmur Yeşilbaş  
Influence of climate and root zone soil wetness on radial growth of black pine (Pinus nigra Arnold subsp. pallasiana) at Arit (Bartin) in the western Black Sea region of Türkiy      
Black pine is the third most widespread tree species (4.2 million ha) in Türkiye and due to its important position in Turkish forestry, it has been studied in many ways. In this study, the influence of the main climatic variables with soil wetness in the root zone on the radial growth of black pine was investigated. Tree ring widths were measured with Cdendro and CooRecorder, and standard dendrochronological techniques were used for cross-dating, standardization, and statistical analysis based on the xDateR and dplR packages in R. According to the result of this study, spring and summer precipitation mostly plays a significant positive role for the radial growth of black pines in Arit in the western Black Sea region. Although maximum temperature has no influence, minimum and average temperatures in November and December of the previous year affect the radial growth significantly and negatively. In addition, soil moisture of the root zone in June and August has a clearly positive effect on radial growth.
Keywords: Anatolian black pine,Bartin,climate response,dendroecology,dendroclimatology

    Barbaros Yaman
    Esra Pulat
    Ismet Daşdemir
    Yagmur Yeşilbaş
Bilal Çetin  
The effect of storage time on germination of turkish pine (Pinus brutia Ten.) seed      
In this study, seeds of the Turkish pine (Pinus brutia Ten.) species, which is most widely distributed in Turkey, were collected from the Anamur and Mersin regions in 2005 from four elevations: 0-400, 400-800, 800-1200 and above 1200 meters (m). These seeds were stored at +2-4 oC and germinated at temperatures of 15, 20 and 25 oC in 2005, 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016, 2018 and 2020, and the effect of storage time on germination percentage (GP) was investigated. According to the general average, there was no significant change in the GP of the seeds as the storage period increased. However, the effect of storage time on GP varied according to region, elevation and germination temperature. Especially in germination at 20 °C at lower elevations, the GP did not change much at the end of 15 years or largely maintained the 2005 germination rates. In the other zones, 80% of the initial germinations were obtained in most of the zones, although there was a slight decrease at the end of the storage period. At 15 oC, the declines in germination were very insignificant in the first years in both sections, but became significant in the following years. At 25 oC, the decline in germination was generally higher than at other germination temperatures, and the declines started from the 5th year onwards, and at the end of 15 years, germination declined between 38.0-61.0%. As a result, after 15 years of storage of Turkish pine seeds, it was observed that at 20 oC the GP was significantly maintained, while at other germination temperatures, the decline in germination increased as the storage period increased. In the storage of the seeds of the species, the storage period should be determined by considering the region and elevation where the seeds were collected.
Keywords: Turkish pine,storage time,elevation,germination temperature

    Bilal Çetin
Merih Göltaş, Hamit Ayberk, Ömer Küçük  
Assessment of the monthly forest fire danger potential using GIS-based analytic hierarchy process in Southwest Türkiy      
Every year, more than ten thousand hectares of forest in Türkiye are affected by fires. The majority of forest fires occurs in the southern part of Türkiye, where conifer forests and maquis prone to fire are abundant. Forest fires can lead to the loss of human lives, properties and natural resources. Knowledge of Forest Fire Danger Potential (FFDP) is critical to protect lives, properties, and natural resources from fire damage. We modeled and mapped FFDP with a GIS-based Analytic Hierarchy Process. The FFDP model was developed based on nine environmental factors that affect fire behavior, including maximum temperature, precipitation, wind speed, species composition, development stage, canopy cover, slope, aspect, and elevation. FFDP was mapped and thoroughly assessed. The results showed that FFDP was significantly correlated with maximum temperature, precipitation, and species composition. We found that the FFDP differed considerably on a monthly basis. Forest lands in the study area of 2% in May, 50% in June, 65% in July, 61% in August, 25% in September, and 0% in October belonged to the extreme danger class. For model evaluation, we compared fire locations from 2008 to 2018 with those on the FFDP maps and then controlled the actual number of fires in each category and its fire danger class. The dominant danger classes of the study area according to the months were: extreme class in June, July, and August (50%, 65% and 61%, respectively), high class in May and September (74% and 68%, respectively) and moderate class in October (82%). This danger classes were more affected by fires. We observed that FFDP changed significantly by month. The amount of burned area per fire was the highest in the extreme danger class in August and July (3.39 ha and 2.14 ha, respectively). The amount of burned area was higher in areas with extreme or high fire danger class. This study can guide fire organizations in pre-fire management planning, firefighting, and post-fire studies.
Keywords: fire hazard,fire model,MCDA,Türkiye,wildfires

    Merih Göltaş
    Hamit Ayberk
    Ömer Küçük
Matija Landekiĉ, Jakob Troha, Matija Bakariĉ  
Case study of public tenders for the sale of timber assortments in 2022 in Croatia and Slovenia      
The process of selling wood raw materials (timber assortments) through public tenders is an established procedure and a daily process in the Western countries of Europe, while in the Republic of Croatia it has been gaining more and more importance over the last decade. Although most of the timber assortments produced by Hrvatske šume Ltd. is sold to the processing industry according to predefined quotas through multi-year framework contracts, only a small part of timber is offered, especially that of exceptional value, through public tenders. As part of the research, public tenders held in Croatia in 2022 were analyzed by tree species and assortment classes in relation to the initial and selling price (€/m3) and the percentage achieved above the initial price. Furthermore, the achieved selling price (€/m3) in Croatia in 2022 was compared with the prices achieved at the public tenders of the most valuable logs in Slovenia for the same year. The second chapter presents the procedure for conducting public tenders for the sale of wood assortments in Croatia, which is defined by the Decree on the Auction of Certain Wood Assortments (Official Gazette No. 100/15). The method of analysis, synthesis, compilation, comparison and description was used in the processing and analysis of the research results. Descriptive and inferential statistical analysis with appropriate parametric and/or non-parametric models were used in data processing. Through the results of the research, 45 public tenders held in Croatia, and one public tender for the sale of the most valuable logs from private forests in Slovenia in 2022, were analyzed. Table 1 shows descriptive values of public tenders of timber assortments held during 2022 in Croatia. The testing of strength and direction of the connection between the basic indicators of the implementation of the public tender and the grouped realization of the percentage above the initial price for the pedunculate oak is shown in table two. Table 4 shows descriptive values of the achieved percentage above the initial price according to the class of wood assortments at the public tender during 2022. Presentation of realized quantities and prices at public tenders in 2022 for two most common types of broad leaves is visible in table 5 and for the two most common types of conifers in table 6. The results of public tender for the sale of timber assortments in Slovenia are presented in subsection 4.2. Table 7 shows the results of the sale of logs by species at the public tender in Slovenia in 2022. The results of the analysis of public tenders in Croatia show that a higher average percentage above the initial price is achieved if the timber assortments are more differentiated (better classified) within the offered sales groups. In the analyzed period, for the pedunculate oak, bidders made an offer 12 times for certain groups that amounted to more than 2 000 €/m3. In addition, it has been shown that to achieve the highest possible sales price for the pedunculate oak, the formation of groups containing a combination of veneer and sawmill assortments (F-III) should be avoided. In addition to pedunculate oak, record selling prices were also achieved by sycamore maple, which had four record offers ranging from 2 752.92 €/m3 to 4 692.00 €/m3. Comparatively, in Slovenia, it was determined that the average sales prices of logs (€/m3) are significantly higher for coniferous timber species compared to the realized sales prices at public tenders in Croatia. The analysis of realized sale prices of timber assortments at public tenders in Croatia in 2022 compared to initial prices revealed a statistically significant difference, which indicates the future need to form prices of all produced assortment classes in step with market opportunities.
Keywords: forestry,prices of timber assortments,public tenders,Croatia,Slovenia

    Matija Landekiĉ
    Jakob Troha
    BAKARIĈ, Matija    ŠL