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ŠUMARSKI LIST 9-10/2023 str. 54     <-- 54 -->        PDF

removed before sowing. In that way, the damages that can be caused on young oak plants during felling would also be avoided. In the case of the necessity of the shelterwood regeneration system, it is recommended to perform final felling as soon as possible, after the acorn sowing and prior to the plant emergence. According to the presented results, in the case of the development of the oak seedlings under the shade of the remaining adult trees, there is a need to perform suppression of oak lace bug in accordance with local legislation.
This research showed significantly lower intensity of the attack of oak lace bug on young oak seedlings developed unshaded, compared to the seedling shaded by the adult trees. First year of the experiment did not show difference between the average height of the treated and untreated plants, while the differences were evident after second and third year between shaded treated and untreated plants indicating the cumulative effect of the damage. On the other hand, three-year research did not show the difference between the height of the treated and untreated plants grown without the shade of the adult trees. In addition, oak seedlings grown unshaded were significantly higher than the shaded seedlings due to the more direct sunlight. Such results suggest that the regeneration should be made either after the final felling or with the shortest possible time between the acorn sowing and the final felling. In the case of the necessity of the traditional shelterwood system, the oak seedlings should be protected in accordance with local legislation from the oak lace bug during their growth under the shade of the adult trees.
This paper financed by the Ministry of Science and Technological Development and Innovation of the Republic of Serbia (Contract number 451-03-47/2023-01/200197).
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