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ŠUMARSKI LIST 5-6/2023 str. 82     <-- 82 -->        PDF

per 100ha of hunting ground for the area of ​​Central Serbia is 9 €. The Southern hunting district has one of the largest hunting areas of about 1,361,250ha, however, it has the lowest culling value of 2 €, which hinders the progress at the level of Central Serbia due to low percentage realized culling of 31 %. The value of roe deer culled by hunters, members of the association is 85.733 € and tourist hunters 122.447 €.
In order to achieve higher returns from roe deer management in all areas, it is necessary that the planned culling is fully realized. In addition to fulfilling the culling plan, a significant improvement in economic results can be achieved by reaching the optimal number of game at the hunting grounds, reducing losses and realizing a higher percentage of roe deer culling in hunting tourism.
This research was supported by Ministry of Education, Science, and Technological Development, Republic of Serbia grant 451-03-9/2021-14/200116.
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