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ŠUMARSKI LIST 5-6/2023 str. 81     <-- 81 -->        PDF

calculated according to its weight, the highest income is generated from the highest weight trophies.
The weight of the trophy increases with the age of the individual and reaches its culmination in the seventh year. Individuals aged six and seven have the highest quality antlers, and that is when they are deemed to be culled (Popović et al., 2020; Urošević et al. 2018). Trophy hunting is thought to be the reason for the reduction in length and thickness of trophies as well as body size in several Bovidae species. This is indicated by the analyzes of the shooting of trophy bucks, which were followed in three categories of hunters: local, regional, or national, depending on the origin and access to the hunting permits (Garcia-Ferrer et al., 2019). It is showed that foreign trophy stalkers select for larger antlers when hunting roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) than local hunters, but that close to half of the difference in selectivity was due to foreigners hunting earlier in the season and in locations with larger males. The relationship between antler size and age was nevertheless fairly similar based on whether deer was shot by foreign or local hunters (Mysterud et al., 2006). Looking at Table 5, it can be noticed that the largest number of culled roebuck trophy weigh between 200 – 349 g. The value of roe deer culled by association member hunters and tourist hunters is 85.733 € and 122.447 €, respectively. While the total value is 208.180 €. Also, the value of venison was calculated for members of the hunting association, amounting to 83.011 € from roebucks, 71.312 € from does and 867 € from fawns.
In order to increase the economical basis of hunting associations, it is necessary to increase hunting tourism especially in district with relative low realization of hunting bag. Hunting tourism, as a very specific branch of tourism, is a very significant source of income (Beuković et al. 2004), according to the data in our research it is obviously hunting tourism is still underutilized.
Some small localities in the interior of the larger roe deer breeding habitat yield higher quality trophies compared to other localities. The habitat factors of these smaller localities have a more important role than age when it comes to the increase in trophy value (Degmečić et al., 2010). However, it is stated that the correlation between the age of the bucks and the mass of the trophy is 0,67. The coefficient of determination that explains the proportional share of the total variability of the trophy mass caused by the age of the bucks is 45.09% (Popović and Bogdanović, 2003).
According to the research the value of the roe deer breeding stock in Serbia is around 8 million euros, and the value of the annual culling is over 400.000 €. Significant improvement of economic results can be done by improving the way of game population management, from one side and raise hunting tourism. This is indicated by the research of the roe deer’s breeding stock in Serbia during the 2003/2004 hunting business year (Tomić et al. 2005).
Roe deer is the most important and most widespread large game in all hunting grounds of the territory of the Republic of Serbia. Estimated value of the roe deer breeding stock in 2021/2022 is 10.121.100 €, while the return of roe deer culling in 2017/2018 amounts to 480.626 €. In the structure of culled individuals, the largest share is occupied by roebucks 84.47%, followed by does 12.83 % and fawns 2.69 %. The Central Hunting ground has the highest total income from roe deer culling 191.785€. The determined income