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ŠUMARSKI LIST 5-6/2023 str. 80     <-- 80 -->        PDF

(Popović and Popović, 2021; Popović et al., 2020; Popović and Bogdanović, 2004). It can be made a correlation between the value of the trophy and the age that the animal had from which it was harvested (Lazăr et al., 2014). The Central Hunting districts has the greatest value because of the participation of roebucks with a trophy weight over 450 and 500 g.
Culling realization expressed in percentage terms can be seen in Graph 1 and it shows that the culling target was not met in hunting year 2017/2018 and that there is a huge space for meeting the planned culling target. The highest percentage of utilization is in the Eastern hunting district about 67%, followed by the Central 58%, Western 53%, Belgrade 44% and the Southern hunting districts 31%.
It was determined that the highest total income from roe deer culling in 2017/2018 was at the Central Hunting district 191.785 €, while the Belgrade Hunting district had the lowest income of 23.866 € (Table 4). The major difference in income between hunting district is explained by the lower culling plan realization.
In order to get a more realistic picture of the income from culling in the observed hunting grounds, the income per 100 ha of total hunting area was observed (Chart 1). The total income per 100 ha on the entire hunting area of 5.595.090 ha is 9 euros. It should be noticed, the very small income of only 2 euros per 100ha from the Southern Hunting ground, considering that it has one of the largest hunting areas around 1.361.250 ha, this can only be explained by the low percentage of realized culling which shown in Graph 1.
Members of the hunting association perform 70 % of game culling, while tourist hunters perform 30 %. When calculating the value of the culling, the price of the individual was determined according to the market price list, where a discount of 30% is provided for the members of the hunting association. Since the roe deer trophy value is