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ŠUMARSKI LIST 5-6/2023 str. 79     <-- 79 -->        PDF

al., 2017), while for does and fawns average weights are 17.25 kg respectable 12.60 kg (Popović, 1998; Popović et al., 2003). The calculation of average roebuck prices starts from the fact that the total catch is made by hunters (70 % members of the hunting association, and 30 % hunting tourists) and that the market price of individual animal is the composite value of the meat and the price of trophies, which is different depending on the trophy scale (Tomić et al., 2005). Culled does price is calculated with a discount of 30 % of the market price list for the members of the association.
Results and discussion
Rezultati i rasprava
Based on roe deer data for hunting year 2021/2022 the total value of the roebuck breeding stock is 6,506,000€, while the value of the does and fawns stock is 3,615,000€. The highest value of the breeding stock is in the Central Hunting district, which includes about 28% of the total stock of males, females and offspring. Considering that the Central Hunting district does not have the largest hunting area, but has a large number of roe deer (24,532 in total), thus, the largest value of the breeding stock is justified (Table 3).
In the structure of the value of culled individuals in 2017/2018, the largest share belongs to roebucks 84.47%, followed by does 12.83% and fawns 2.69% (Table 4). Improving the economic results of managing game populations can be done by improving the age structure of the roe deer population, by increasing the share of roebucks that have trophy weight over 450 g, which is achieved by a greater participation of mature roe deer, considering that the weight of the trophy depends on the age of the individual