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ŠUMARSKI LIST 5-6/2023 str. 78 <-- 78 --> PDF |
accordance with the ecological possibilities of the habitat, by culling the certain number of trophy-mature individuals. The goal is to achieve an ideal relationship between age categories. In a population of roe deer with an optimal sex ratio of 1:1, the optimal structure of roe deer is 48% young, 26% middle age, 26% mature (Gajić and Popović, 2010). Moreover, one of the goals of hunting ground management in the Republic of Serbia is to preserve the stability of ecosystems, to have progressive and sustainable hunting management in a way that it maintains biological diversity, reproductive capacity, production, vitality, to fulfill ecological, managerial and social functions without harming other ecosystems (Keča et al., 2018). The roe deer participates with 63.40% of the total production value at the hunting ground “Brajevska reka” size of 21.312 ha, out of which 52.22% of the value is the roebuck trophy, venison sale and hunting services, whereas 11.18% is the value of does and fawns (Popović et al. 2014). Roe deer is of special economic importance for Serbia, whose economic benefit derives from all three determinants of the hunting values (trophies, culls and weights). Roe deer (Capreolus capreolus L.) is an autochthonous representative of wild ungulates and inhabits over 90% of the total hunting area of Serbia (Popović and Gačić, 2006). One of the basic goals of roe deer hunting management is to maintain high quality and vital populations with all the elements of the structure, that ensure successful breeding and valuable trophies (Gačić, 2006). The aim of the research is to estimate the value of the breeding stock of roe deer in 2021/2022 and to conduct the analysis of the total income from roe deer culling and income per 100 ha of total hunting area in hunting year 2017/2018 in all hunting areas of Central Serbia. Based on this analysis, the directions and possibilities for increasing the income in all hunting areas of Serbia will be perceived. Material and methods Materijal i metode The research of economic aspects of management includes the roe deer game stock in the hunting grounds of central Serbia. With the Decree on the Establishment of Hunting Areas on the territory of the Republic of Serbia (Anon., 2020), sixteen hunting areas were formed, of which five hunting areas are located in central Serbia: Belgrade hunting district, Western hunting district, Central hunting district, Eastern hunting district and Southern hunting district (Figure 1). Within the hunting district, the boundaries of individual hunting district are determined on the total area ( Considering these data issued by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management, the analysis of income will be expressed on the total area of the hunting district. The assessment of the value of the roe deer game stock was determined on the basis of data from the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Menagment. Forest Administration for 2021, according to the form of the Rule for calculating the fee for the use of Closed season protected game species for the next hunting year (Anon., 2019), determines the fee, 200 € for males, 66.67 € for females and offspring. Revenue from roe deer culling is calculated for hunting year 2017/2018, according to the market price list given by the Hunting Association of Serbia for hunting year 2021/2022 ( Table 1) Moreover, the income per 100 ha of the total hunting area was determined, as well as the percentage of realized roe deer culling in 2017/2018. Roe deer culling data for 2017/2018 were taken from the central database of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Economy, Forest Administration, wherein 41.33% roebucks, 41.33% does and 17.33% fawns were culled. Based on previous research, the average trophy value shown in Table 2 was calculated on the basis of nine hunting grounds (Barajevska river, Jadar, Takovo, Dubrava, Klisura, Kamenica, Majsinjska mountains, Resava, Krilas). According to CIC trophy scoring system, 1184 roe deer trophies were scored (Beuković and Popović, 2014; Ristić and Tiodorović, 2009; Trense et al., 1981; Frković, 1989). The average body weight of roebucks without internal organs, head and legs below the knees is 20.08 kg (Popović et |