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ŠUMARSKI LIST 3-4/2023 str. 20 <-- 20 --> PDF |
and Table 3). Between the ages of 30 and 50, CAI typically increases, achieves its peak, and then declines across all SI and density classes, however it continues to rise with rising SI quality and stand density. Between the ages of 55 and 60 for SI class I, 65 and 70 for SI class II, and 70 and 75 for SI class III, MAI rises and achieves its maximum, after which it falls throughout density levels. Similar to CAI, MAI rises consistently as stand density and SI quality rise. To ascertain the Calabrian pine’s rotation period in Turkey, according to Yaprak (1977) and Soykan (1978), the rotation times should be set at 50, 60, and 70 years based on data from the present income tables and the Calabrian pine’s technical maturity rotation age. We concluded that as many specialists (Gezer, 1985; Richardson, 1998; Awada et al. 2003; Boydak, 2004; Boydak et al. 2006; de Miguel Magana, 2014) claim that the rotation length would be at an age of no more than 60 years for the managed Calabrian pine stands with medium efficiency. Each forest enterprise directorate, however, may choose its own administration period for factors like operational goals and priorities, silvicultural requirements, market demands, and needs for marketing infrastructure and other forest services as the current laws permit. Acknowledgement: We would like to thank the entire project team and our colleagues and staff at the Antalya and Mersin Regional Directorates of Forestry. Declaration of Interests: The authors declare that there is no conflict of interest. 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