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ŠUMARSKI LIST 1-2/2023 str. 81     <-- 81 -->        PDF

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Markuszewska, I., Delebis, A. 2016 Urbanization of rural areas in the perception of local residents on the example of Wolica near Kalisz. Badania Fizjograficzne 67: 145-154.
Martens, P.; Hansart, C.; Su, B. 2019. Attitudes of Young Adults toward Animals—The Case of High School Students in Belgium and The Netherlands. Animals 9: 88.
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McGuire, L., Palmer, S. B., Faber, N. S. 2022. The Development of Speciesism: Age-Related Differences in the Moral View of Animals. Soc. Psychol. Personal. Sci. 1-10.
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Rosa, C.D., Profice, C.C., Collado, S. 218. Nature experiences and adults’ self-reported pro-environmental behaviors: the role of connectedness to nature and childhood nature experiences. Front. Psychol 9: 1055.
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Schaefer, J.A. 2019. Science and the North American Model: Edifice of Knowledge, Exemplar for Conservation. In The North American Model of Wildlife Conservation, Johns Hopkins University Press, 95-105, Baltimore, US.
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Sobalak, T., Kapałka-Boratyńska, K., Wierzbicka, A., Skorupski, M. 2017. No to hunting in Puszcza Zielonka! Case study of a conflict between hunters and members of local community. Studia i Materiały CEPL w Rogowie, 50 (1): 275-279.
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Wilkins, E.J., Cole, N.W., Miller, H.M., Schuster, R.M., Dayer, A.A., Duberstein, J.N., Fulton, D.C., Harshaw, H.W., Raedeke, A.H. 2019. Rural-urban differences in hunting and birdwatching attitudes and participation intent. Hum. Dimens. Wildl. 24(6): 530-547.
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Lov je važan dio zaštite okoliša i bioraznolikosti. Demografske promjene te udaljenje ljudi od prirode, uzroci su polarizicije percepcije lovstva u društvu. Neki imaju Bambijev sindrom, drugi poremećaj nedostatka prirode. Mlade žene i gradska djeca općenito su protiv lova, a znanost trpi nedostatak analiza čimbenika koji su odgovorni za oblikovanje stavova. Budućnost modela upravljanja divljim životinjama ovisi o stavovima ljudi u nadolazećim desetljećima. Za ovu svrhu potrebno je temeljno i višedimenzionalno ispitati stav mladih ljudi prema lovu.
Ključne riječi: stav prema lovu, mladi, tinejdžeri