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ŠUMARSKI LIST 1-2/2023 str. 69     <-- 69 -->        PDF

Morphometric analysis – Morfometrijska analiza
Nuts were extracted from their involucre and the fruits were dried for about two weeks until their moisture content was reduced to 6.5%, at room temperature in the laboratory. The dried fruits were stored in light-proof amber bottles in the refrigerator.
Analyses of measured morphological traits were performed on 120 (3×40) randomly selected fruits in each population. The length, width and thickness values were measured with a sensitivity of 0.00 mm by using a digital caliper, and the weight values were measured with a sensitivity of 0.0000 g by using an analytical scale for each fruit and kernel. Also, the thickness of the shell was measured in the middle axis of the cracked nutshell by compressing the inner and outer surfaces into the mouth of the digital caliper. The kernel ratio was calculated as a percentage (%) by subtracting the kernel weight from the total fruit weight. In addition, 1,000 seed weight from 800 (8×100) seeds (fruits) was calculated according to ISTA (2020) rules.
Chemical analyses – Kemijske analize
The shell of the hazelnut was cracked with the help of vise and the kernel was taken out. In order to determine the chemical composition of the kernel, total fat (%), total protein (%), starch (g/kg) and ash (%) values were analyzed. The tests were carried out by TUBITAK Bursa Test and Analysis Laboratory. The kernel was removed by cracking the nutshell with the help of a vise.
Total fat content analysis was done in Soxhlet device (AOAC 2000). From the dried and ground hazelnut samples at 105°C in an oven, 5 g were weighed and extracted with 300 mL of hexane in a Soxhlet device for 4 hours. The amount of crude fat after evaporation was calculated as %. Protein analyzes of the samples were made by Kjeldahl method according to AOAC International (AOAC 2000). The percentage of crude protein was determined by multiplying the total nitrogen content by a factor of 5.30.
The samples were dried in an oven at 105°C until they reached constant weight. 5 g hazelnut sample was burned in a 550°C muffle furnace for about 9 hours until white ash was formed, and the amount of ash was calculated gravimetrically.
The fatty acid composition of the kernel fat was determined using gas chromatography-flame ionizing detector. The AOCS (2000) method was used to obtain methyl esters of fatty acids. Gas chromatography analyzes were performed with Agilent 6890 series instrument. In the analysis using a high polarity fatty acid column (20 m × 0.25 mm × 0.25 μm), the carrier gas was helium, the flow rate was set to 1.0 ml/min. Injection and detector temperatures were set at 250°C and 280°C, respectively. The oven temperature was determined as 40°C and the temperature increase rate to 240°C was adjusted to be 5°C/min. Analysis was performed with a split ratio of 1:50 and an injection volume of 1 μl.
Ewers polarimetric method was used for the determination of starch content. For this purpose, approximately 5 g of the ground hazelnut samples were taken and put into a 100 ml measuring flask, and 50 ml of 1% HCl solution was added twice using a pipette, and the sample was shaken. The flask was kept in a water bath at 95-100°C for 15-20 minutes and was shaken intermittently. After the process, it was taken from the water bath and 30-35 ml of distilled water was added and cooled. In order to precipitate nitrogenous substances in the sample, 10 ml of 4% phosphotungstic acid was added to the measuring flask. Distilled water was added until the flask volume was 100 ml, and a clear solution was obtained with filter paper. The obtained filtrate was placed in a 2 dm polarimeter tube and the amount of starch in the sample was calculated with the help of the factor by reading the degree of rotation.
Statistical analysis – Statistička analiza
The morphological and chemical characteristics of the fruits and kernels were evaluated by analysis of variance. The one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to determine inter-population variability. Differences among groups were determined using Duncan’s multiple range test when a significant effect was identified. Also, correlation analysis was performed in order to reveal the interaction of the obtained data with each other.
The limited number of reports (Erdoğan and Aygün 2005; Ayan et al. 2018a, 2018b) in Turkey on Turkish hazelnuts’ morphological and chemical characteristics necessitated this research. In this study, morphological and chemical characteristics were determined and evaluated of Turkish hazelnut fruits and kernels from seven populations.
Morphological characteristics – Morfološke karakteristike
In terms of morphological characteristics, significant differences between the studied populations have been revealed (Table 2, Figure 2). The average 1,000-seed (fruit) weight at about 6.5% MC (Moisture Content) for the seven populations was 1438.8 g. The average fruit dimensions (length × width × thickness) of the seven populations of C. colurna were 15.98 × 15.38 × 12.00 mm, and average fruit weight 1.4651 g. The populations with the lowest-highest values were Seben-Iskilip (15.38-16.71 mm) for fruit length, Mengen-Sultandağı (14.57-16.28 mm) for fruit width,