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ŠUMARSKI LIST 1-2/2023 str. 66     <-- 66 -->        PDF

Material from the clonal archive of black poplars was researched. The archive was founded in 2005 in Žepče. It contains clones from 161 trees of indigenous black poplars from 26 populations throughout Bosnia and Herzegovina (from the basins of 6 rivers) and 15 hybrid poplar species (table 1 and table 2).
Ten leaves were collected from each clone by taking the fifth leaf from the top of the main shoot. Five leaves from each clone were measured. The measurement was performed with a digital movable scale with an accuracy of 0.1 mm and a protractor. The following traits were measured: leaf blade length, leaf blade width, petiole length, total leaf length, the angle between the first lateral nerve and central nerve, and distance from the leaf base to the widest part of the leaf. The number of teeth on one cm above the widest part of the leaf was counted. Data were processed using SPSS 26.0 and EXCEL by populations and river basins.
Analysis of variance revealed that there are statistically significant differences among the studied ­populations (table 4), as well as among river basins (table 7), for all investigated traits. The petiole length trait showed the highest variability, and the lowest variability had the insertion angle of the first lateral and central nerve (table 3). The clones of population of hairy black poplars Čapljina had the lowest values of leaf traits and differed significantly in all measured properties from the others. The most common number of teeth per 1 cm of leaf edge for all populations was four teeth (figure 2), which appeared on 38.3% of leaves.
This research gives us a small insight into the morphological characteristics of black poplars in the clone archive Žepče and can be the basis for further researches of the traits of black poplars needed for a successful continuation of work on breeding this species.
Key words: european black poplar, clone archive, morphological traits of laeves