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ŠUMARSKI LIST 9-10/2022 str. 76     <-- 76 -->        PDF

placed on the animal, while three collars collected GPS points only while the animals were in the acclimatization enclosure. This can be explained by the inadequate time lag in the dynamics of procurement of the GPS collars (January 2018) and the delay in the start of their application (April, 2019). In addition, there were problems in obtaining 3D locations from the GPS collars due to dense vegetation and steep terrain, which was also reported by many other researchers (e.g. Jung et al., 2018).
We believe that the fidelity of the release area can be explained by its high quality habitat and that the release stock was kept for several months in the acclimatization enclosure, as well as that all released red deer originate from a smaller fenced parts of the hunting ground. Since the released red deer have different origins, with most individuals originating from Hungary (17 in 2019 and 18 in 2020), Vojvodina (6 in 2020 and 20 in 2021), southern Serbia (3 in 2020) and eastern Serbia (2 in 2019), it is plausible to assume that this also influenced the establishment and growth of the population in the Tara area, especially the postrelease movements of individuals.
A large number of the red deer in the area of Tara released from 29 July 2019 to early May 2021 were moving within a 10 km-distance from the acclimatization enclosure (Fig. 4).