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ŠUMARSKI LIST 9-10/2022 str. 75     <-- 75 -->        PDF

their release, so that previously released individuals into the wild (Đetinja hunting ground) could return to the acclimatization enclosure for most of the year. The exception was 2021, when a brown bear destroyed part of the fence, as a result of which the released red deer escaped from the acclimatization enclosure before calving.
Our results obtained in 2019, showed that red deer dispersal occured immediately after release from the acclimatization enclosure, which confirms the results obtained in Ontario, Canada (Yott et al., 2011). The release began in the afternoon of July 29, and on the same day, the first herd of one middle-aged male and 7 hinds left the acclimatization enclosure at around 10:30 pm. Then, this herd was recorded early in the morning of July 30 at 4:27 am on the camera trap in the hunting ground Tara National Park (record no. 1), which was at a 5.2 km distance (straight-line) from the acclimatization enclosure. After 3-4 days, another middle-aged male equipped with a GPS collar, a number of other hinds and three newborn calves came out. Two hinds from eastern Serbia returned to the feeding station in the acclimatization enclosure almost every day during the night, while hinds from Fruška gora National Park and newborn calves were recorded at a site located about 1.5 km from the acclimatization enclosure. The following month, on September 3, 2019 at 2:14 am, a middle-aged male equipped with a GPS collar was spotted on a camera trap at a distance of 6.1 km (record no. 3), but it was returning to the acclimatization enclosure for the next two years.
The distribution of red deer around the acclimatization enclosure was satisfactory, but there were no records with geographical coordinates from the hunting ground Đetinja (Fig. 4). Instead, there are many records obtained using camera traps, which showed that one middle-aged male and three females equipped with GPS collars remained very close to the acclimatization enclosure after release in 2019. In addition, there are some individuals, or smaller herds around the acclimatization enclosure, that have been continuously seen by the guard service, especially after the establishment of three new feeding stations surrounding the acclimatization enclosure.
Unfortunately, 4 GPS collars that were placed on one male and three females did not give the expected results during the study period. One collar did not function after being