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ŠUMARSKI LIST 9-10/2022 str. 70     <-- 70 -->        PDF

total recorded culling in 2019/2020 was 94 individuals in these statistical regions (78 and 16, respectively). This clearly indicates that the current status of red deer is not favourable in central Serbia, mainly due to overexploitation (legal and illegal), habitat loss and competition with domestic livestock, which were also the main causes of deer extinction in some parts of Europe (Burbaité and Csányi 2010; Valente et al., 2017).
In the period 2016-2018, a multidisciplinary research was successfully implemented within the SRBREDDEER project, which was initiated and funded by the Forest Administration of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management. For the first time a modern approach and methodology were applied to determine areas suitable for the reintroduction of red deer in Serbia, as well as to determine the location of acclimatisation enclosure, risk assessment of extinction and minimum viable population after reintroduction, and develop a more efficient monitoring system for red deer populations and their habitats in Serbia (Gačić et al., 2020). One of the main project activities was the collection and analysis of data on previous reintroductions of red deer in Serbia and throughout Europe (e.g. Bojović, 1968; Tomić et al., 2010; Apollonio et al., 2014), with emphasis on errors and factors of the greatest significance for their success or failure. Thanks to that, measures were proposed to improve the ongoing reintroductions in Serbia, not only to improve the survival and reproduction of red deer, but also to make the reintroduction process as economical as possible.
The proposed program for the reintroduction of red deer to the Mt. Tara area (Gačić et al., 2018) was based on the guidelines prepared and adopted by the IUCN/SSC Re-introduction Specialist Group (1998, 2013), as well as on the conclusions from the expert workshop held in Kragujevac (May 26, 2018) within the SRBREDDEER project. Besides this, the spatial context of reintroduction was observed through the specific landscape pattern issues using a structural metric parameter (Kie et al., 2002; Plante et al., 2004). In addition, it is based on the interest and willingness of local hunters and relevant state hunting authorities to provide full and long-term support to this reintroduction in the selected favourable area of Mt. Tara. Therefore, it differs significantly from all previous programs implemented in central Serbia (Hadži-Pavlović, 1986; Novaković, 1999).
The aim of this paper was to compare the most important planned and implemented activities related to the proposed program during the period 2018-2021, and to evaluate the results achieved in the reintroduction of red deer in the Tara area with emphasis on the incidence of bark stripping within an acclimatization enclosure and postrelease movement of red deer.
Research area – Područje istraživanja
The selected favourable area for reintroduction was central part of the Tara mountain massif (Fig. 1) on the area of 150 cels 1 km × 1 km squares. The altitude ranges from 424 to 1,544 m a.s.l., but the altitudinal belt of 900-1,300 m occupy about 119 km2, or 79.3% of its total area.
The acclimatisation enclosure is located in the central part of the favourable area (Fig. 2), which mostly belongs to two hunting grounds. The acclimatisation enclosure occupies 3.63 ha (altitude about 1,100 m a.s.l.), of which most are forests (1.90 ha or 52.3%), followed by meadows and pastures (1.27 ha or 35.0%), forest land (0.18 ha), wetland (0.27 ha), while it also contains two wooden huts (0.01 ha). The parent rock is limestone, which forms smaller or larger ridges in some parts of the forest.
According to Gačić et al. (2018) 150 km2 was the smallest possible area relevant for the assessment of red deer habitat, where the newly established red deer population has a realistic chance of remaining as a compact whole after reintroduction. In addition, we analyzed the position of the