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ŠUMARSKI LIST 9-10/2022 str. 57     <-- 57 -->        PDF

In this way starts the phase of forest roads designing at the general level where its set up zero lines on suitability maps. Zero lines are placed in areas suitable for the construction and insufficiently accessible at the same time, considering watercourse protection and prescribed horizontal and vertical alignments of the forest roads (Figures 10 and 11).
Thus, in MU Prosara is set up 21 km of zero lines for new primary forest traffic infrastructure and around 22 km in MU Bobija-Ribnik. Density of primary forest traffic infrastructure is enlarged for 6.24 m/ha and 5.15 m/ha (Table 6).
The achieved geometrical skidding distance obtained by Euclidean’s algorithm (Table 5) are lower than the actual ones. The multiple accessible high forests area is 1,202.82 ha and single accessible is 2,719.215 ha for double average targeted geometrical skidding distance in MU MU Prosara. In MU Bobija-Ribnik single accessible area is 4,247.513 ha and the multiple accessible high forests area for double average targeted geometrical skidding distance is 3,860.64 ha (Figure 10 and 11). The grades of relative primary forest accessibility for upgraded forest roads network range from very well in MU Prosara to excellent in MU Bobija-Ribnik for double average targeted geometrical skidding distance and they are increased in comparison with actual primary forest traffic infrastructure. The coefficients of efficiency of upgraded primary forest traffic infrastructure are slightly decreased in comparison with coefficients of efficiency for the actual one (Table 6).
Summarizing the results of research, it can be said:
Ø             Actual primary forest accessibility is insufficient for normal and intensive forest management. This statement is based on analysis of actual primary forest traffic infrastructure from the point of its density.
Ø             Analysing of achieved primary forest accessibility on the basis of upgraded primary forest traffic infrastructure from the point of its density, it can be confirmed that achieved primary forest accessibility is lower than targeted, but the quality of achieved primary forest accessibility is raised.
Today a comprehensive process of planning of primary forest accessibility is present which includes all of the aspects of usage of forests and forest area. Apart from timber production and usage of the other forest resources, terrain and stand characteristics, it includes protection of forest environment, usage of forest area in health, sports and cultural purpose. That is a large number of numerical and descriptive data whose collection, surveying and analysis require usage of the achievements in the field of IT technology. The devices and software’s such as GIS, SPSS, RoadEng programme packages and GPS are necessary for modern planning of forest roads and their management.
Using of GIS software’s (ArcGIS, GlobalMapper or QGIS) requires quality data for spatial and statistical analysis. Quality of these data can be provided by Light Detection Airborne Ranging (LiDAR) system. On the basis of LiDAR scanning of ground Digital Elevation Model (DEM) could be made.