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ŠUMARSKI LIST 9-10/2022 str. 54     <-- 54 -->        PDF

to low and average mountain relief area (603 – 1372 m a.s.l.) (Bertović 1999) (Figure 5).
The results show that accessibility of high forests is higher than one in Forest Management Plans (FMP) (Anon 2013a, 2013b) (Table 1) because of higher vector length of forest roads (Table 2).
These values allow only extensive forest management (Dobre 1995). As it was shown in Table 2, the actual forest road density is higher in mountainous than in lowland-hilly areas. The reason for this is the fact that public and forest railways were intensively built in some period in the past because of intensively utilization of timber from fir and spruce forests in mountainous area. Considering relief areas, Anon (1998) recommends density of primary forest traffic infrastructure from 7 to 10 m/ha in hilly areas and up to 35 m/ha on steep terrain. Enache et al. (2016) determined that density of forest roads is 18.5 m/ha in mountainous region of Europe. According to that, it can be concluded that investigated MUs have the recommended forest accessibilities. That means that overall primary forest accessibility is achieved considering relief areas to which both selected MUs belong.
The average geometrical Euclidean skidding distances (Figure 6 and 7) (Table 2) are lower for 23 m in MU Prosara and 38 m in MU Bobija-Ribnik than the geometrical skidding distances obtained by method of distance of gravity centre of compartments from route of the forest road, which are 510 m and 281 m respectively (Petković and Potočnik 2018, Petković et al. 2019).
The average values of targeted densities in selected MUs (Table 3), allow normal forest management and they are suitable for ground skidding extraction according to Dykstra and Heinrich (1996). The average targeted densities of primary forest traffic infrastructure, which are based on total cost of transport and allowable cut volume of roundwood, are 16 m/ha for MU Prosara and 26.5 m/ha for MU Bobija-Ribnik (Petković and Potočnik, 2018, Petković , 2019, Petković et al., 2019). According to Master plan of