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ŠUMARSKI LIST 9-10/2022 str. 49     <-- 49 -->        PDF

Optimization of primary forest accessibility in high forests with natural regeneration
Optimiziranje otvorenosti visokih šuma s prirodnom obnovom
Vladimir Petković, Dane Marčeta, Igor Potočnik
Optimization of primary forest accessibility is observed from the point of intensity of forest management and terrain relief conditions of the forest area. Optimization of primary forest accessibility is the first phase of the planning of primary forest traffic infrastructure. The second phase is designing of new primary forest traffic infrastructure. The high forests with natural regeneration (high forests) in the public forests are selected for optimization of accessibility because they are the most valuable forest category from the point of quantity and quality of timber. Planning of primary forest traffic infrastructure implies analysis of actual primary forest accessibility of high forests, determination of optimal density of primary forest traffic infrastructure, defining of suitability of high forests area for construction of primary forest traffic infrastructure and upgrading of actual primary forest traffic infrastructure with new routes of primary forest traffic infrastructure. Optimization of primary forest accessibility in hilly and mountainous high forests was done in two Management Units, Prosara and Bobija-Ribnik. Optimal density of primary forest traffic infrastructure ranges from 24 to 26 m/ha. Results showed that high forests have potential for sustainable forest management.
Key words: primary forest traffic infrastructure, GIS, multicriteria evaluation
Sustainability and durability of timber production, as well as other forest products, and the use of forest area can be determined as an optimal forest management. From the aspect of forest harvesting, optimization is utilization of the timber with the minimal total costs of transportation (Dobre 1995). Transport of timber is a very significant and the most expensive part of the forest harvesting. According to Sokolović and Bajrić (2013a) the transport costs make around 80 % of total harvesting costs. Determination of the optimal forest road location in forest landscape is an important part of harvesting planning, especially from the point of economic and environmental aspect (Akay et al. 2013). The planning of primary forest accessibility is a spatial issue of forest management optimization (Kaya et al. 2016).
According to Sokolović and Bajrić (2013a) the average primary forest accessibility in BiH is 10.15 m/ha, while accessibility in primary forest traffic infrastructure in the high forests with natural regeneration (high forests) is 11 m/ha. Accessibility of the public forests by public and forest roads