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ŠUMARSKI LIST 9-10/2022 str. 31     <-- 31 -->        PDF

Cypress regeneration effected by environmental factors especially soil stone content, slope direction, and forest gap area – Na prirodnu obnovu obične azijske tuje utječu ekološki čimbenici, posebice sadržaj kamena u tlu, ekspozicija i površina otvora (gapova)
We next explore the effect of environmental factors on cypress regeneration. The correlation analysis between various components of environmental factors and the number of cypress regeneration seedlings showed that the number of cypress regeneration seedlings was significantly positively correlated with soil stone content, slope direction, and forest gap area, but not with other environmental factors (Table 6; Figure 5). The number of cypress regeneration seedlings for level I-III and renewal density were significantly positively correlated with soil stone content. Cypress renewal density and the height of cypress seedlings at all levels were positively correlated with slope direction (Table 6; Figure 5). We also observed a significantly positive correlation between the number of cypress seedlings of all grades and renewal density and forest gap area (Table 6; Figure 5).
The desired position of Table 6.
The desired position of Figure 5.
Multiple stepwise regression analysis was carried out between cypress regeneration density and six environmental factors, such as altitude, soil stone content, slope, slope direction, rock exposure rate, and forest gap area,to analyze the factors that may affect NR of cypress (Table 6). The results showed that the model excluded four variables including altitude, slope, slope direction, and rock exposure rate, and established a model based on soil stone content and gap area. The optimal regression equation was composed of two variables as follows:
RD = –2030.644 + GA * 295.61 + 223.517 * SSC. (RD represents renewal density; GA represents forest gap area; SSC is the soil stone content)