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ŠUMARSKI LIST 9-10/2022 str. 30     <-- 30 -->        PDF

Cypress regeneration effected by stand factors especially herb coverage and moss coverage – Na prirodnu obnovu obične azijske tuje utječu sastojinski čimbenici, posebice pokrovnost biljem i mahovinom
To explore the impact of stand factors on the NR of cypress, the correlation analysis between stand factors and cypress regeneration seedlings was carried out (Table 4). The results showed that there was a significant negative correlation between herb density and regeneration density. In addition, a significant positive correlation between moss coverage and seedlings of all grades and renewal density was observed (Table 4). However, no significant correlation between other parameters and cypress regeneration seedlings could be observed (Table 4, Figure 4). For example, although cypress density is a reason for affecting the number of seeds under the forest, cypress regeneration seedlings showed no direct or significant correlation with the number and density, indicating that there are sufficient provenances in the sample plot, and provenance is not the main factor affecting cypress regeneration.
The desired position of Table 4.
The desired position of Figure 4.
Stepwise multiple regression analysis was carried out on 8 stand factors,including cypress density, canopy density, tree density, shrub coverage, shrub density, herb coverage, herb density, and moss coverage, to analyze the factors that may affect NR of cypress (Table 5). As a result, the model eliminated 6 variables, while the herb coverage and moss coverage were retained. The optimal regression equation was composed of herb coverage and moss coverage, as follows:
RD = –6467.345 + 194.074 * MC + 101.769 * HC. (RD represents renewal density; MC represents moss coverage; HC indicates herb coverage)
The results showed that the regeneration density of cypress was mainly affected by two factors: herb coverage and moss coverage. Adjusting the determination coefficient R2 to 0.37 showed that these two variables could partially determine the regeneration density of cypress. In short, high-density of herb was unfavorable to cypress regeneration while high moss coverage was contrary.
The desired position of Table 5.