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ŠUMARSKI LIST 7-8/2022 str. 75     <-- 75 -->        PDF

analysis, indicating that the model was being excellent (Elith et al. 2006; Philips et al. 2006).
When the effect of climatic variables on distribution was examined according to the results of the jackknife test, the following had the highest values: isothermally (bio_3), seasonal temperature (bio_4), average temperature of the coldest season (bio_11), minimum temperature of the coldest month (bio_6), and annual precipitation (bio_12) (Figure 4). When the climatic data were examined based on the results of the model, cold hard winter months were a determining factor in the habitat preference of the leopard.
A habitat map was created for Türkiye based on the program (MaxEnt) and results of the analyses. In the map, red indicates potentially suitable habitats that leopard would prefer the most, and blue colour indicates potentially suitable habitats that are less preferred (Figure 5). The maximum entropy principle of MaxEnt yielded a maximum possible AUC training value of 0.914, indicating that the MaxEnt model can accurately predict the locations of potentially suitable leopard habitats.
According to these results and depending on the climatic data, the leopard populations are distributed in a large area in Türkiye. MaxEnt predicts that leopards have a wide distribution in Türkiye. These results show that, except for the Central Anatolia Region and coastal areas, there are many potentially suitable habitats for leopards in almost all regions in Türkiye.
This study created a habitat suitability model for leopards in Türkiye from presence-only data. Presence-only data is