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ŠUMARSKI LIST 7-8/2022 str. 67     <-- 67 -->        PDF

The graphical display of the noise level measurements for the tree cutting operation with the chainsaw is shown in Figure 8. The results indicated that the average noise level (99 dBA) was higher than the danger limit (90 dBA) potentially causing increased physiological reactions and headache. It was found that this noise level exceeds the tolerance limit values ​​on an hour/day (8 hours) basis (NCR, 1986). In a similar study, Serin and Akay (2008) reported that the average noise level caused by the chainsaw during a tree cutting was also over 90 dBA.
It was also found that the measured maximum noise level (117.9 dBA) was at the dangerous noise level that can cause permanent damage to the hearing ability (Polat and Kırıkkaya 2004). Taş et al. (2018) reported that the maximum noise level was 100.77 dBA in a similar study investigated the noise level of a chainsaw operation. The effect of tree diameters on the noise level caused by the chainsaw was investigate based on three diameter classes (small: <30 cm, medium: 30-34 cm, large: > 34 cm) According to the results, the average noise level on thin diameter class was 99.13 dBA, while it was 99.36 dBA and 99.62 dBA for medium and large diameter classes, respectively (Figure 9). In a previous study conducted by (Tunay and Melemez (2003), it was reported that the noise level measured during tree cutting was 104.3 dBA in medium-sized chainsaws and 111.4 dBA in large-sized chainsaws. In another study, the noise levels caused by electric saws were examined, and the average noise level was measured as 92 dBA when cutting logs with a diameter of less than 30 cm, and 95 dBA for logs above 30 cm (Neri et al. 2018).
The noise propagation calculations were evaluated for 40 combinations and these combinations were taken into account when generating the final noise map. After the noise propagation map was produced, it was classified considering the noise ranges effective on human health (Figure 10). According to the results obtained, it was found that in 135.72 ha of the study area, the noise level was in the range of 36-65 dBA, which can disrupt sleep and resting on people. On the other hand, in the 5.49 ha area, it was in the range of 65-85 dBA, which can cause mental harm and ear disorders. And, in the 10.62 ha area, it was in the range of 85-115 dBA, which can result in mental and physical damage and psychosomatic diseases (Polat and Kırıkkaya, 2004).
The results also indicated that about half of the Section 52 (49.39%) was in the noise range that impairs sleep and rest on humans, while 34.15% of the area was in the noise range that causes mental and physical harm and psychosomatic diseases (Figure 11). The remaining area (16.46%) was in the noise range that can result in mental harm and ear disorders. In a recent study investigating the effect of chainsaw on the operator in tree cutting, Taş et al. (2018) stated that the average noise level (80.18 dBA) was in the noise range