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ŠUMARSKI LIST 3-4/2022 str. 53     <-- 53 -->        PDF

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Forestry activities should be carried out within the purview of sustainable forestry while reaping the benefits of forestry. Accordingly, the construction of forest roads through forests should be carefully planned, especially in protection forests. Forest areas in Turkey are generally widespread in mountainous and high sloping areas that are susceptible to landslides-landslide susceptibility is one of the most important criteria for the selection of protected forests. As such, it is important to evaluate detailed and applicable alternatives regarding special areas and private forests. The aim of this study is to determine alternative routes for forest roads in protected forests through the use of geographic information systems (GIS), particularly in areas with high landslide susceptibility. To this end, a landslide susceptibility map (LSM) was created using logistic regression (LR) and random forest (RF)