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ŠUMARSKI LIST 3-4/2022 str. 36     <-- 36 -->        PDF

nurtured in a greenhouse (environmentally compatible) found in Western Black Sea Forestry Research Institute, Bolu, Turkey for two years and then were taken to the greenhouse garden. Five years after the grafting process, the grafted young trees were taken back to the greenhouse condition for the experiment. There were 18 grafted young trees for each population. Soil texture in polyetylene tube was sandy clay loam with 58.81 % sand, 22.65 % clay and 18.53 % silt [pH: 7.92, calcium carbonate (CaCO3): 5.95 %, organic matter: 1.93 %, nitrogen (N): 0.08%, potassium (K): 200.25 mg/L, phosphor (P): 0.87 mg/L, field capacity: 21.20, wilting point: 13.72 and electrical conductivity (EC): 0.47].
Irrigation regimes – Režimi navodnjavanja
Two different irrigation regimes (W1 and W2) were applied to the grafted young trees. There were nine saplings for each irrigation regime and population. After the determination of amount of water as field capacity (W1), 50% reduced amount was applied as W2 to create a water deficiency. Watering (500 ml) was made twice a week for W1 and once a week for W2. The experiment was started in the last week of May. Leaf sampling and chlorophyll fluorescence measurements were made in the second week of June and July.
HPLC-DAD analysis of phenolic constituents – HPLC-DAD analiza sastava fenola
Analysis was performed using HPLC system (VWR-Hitachi LaChrom Elite®) with a Hitachi L-2455 diode array detector (DAD), Hitachi L-2130 Pump, Hitachi L-2200 autosampler, Hitachi column oven L-2300 and Venusil XBP C18 column (Bonna-Agela Technologies, particle size 5 µm, 4.6 x 250 mm).Ten phenol standarts (gallic acid monohydrate, caffeic acid, rutin hydrate, luteolin-7-O-β-D glucoside, kaempferol, rosmarinic acid, myricetin, quercetin, coumarin and apigenin) (Sigma®) were performed in the analysis. They were dissolved in acetonitrile to obtain different concentrations (1, 5, 10, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100 and 200 mg/L) for standard curve. Fig. 2 shows the chromatogram of the used standards. HPLC operating conditions were performed using a gradient elution as in previously described method by Turker et al. (2021). Spectra data were recorded from to 200 to 400 nm during the entire run.
Quantum efficiency of photosystem II activity (Fv/Fm) – Efikasnost kvantnog prinosa fotosustava II (Fv/Fm)
Chlorophyll fluorescence in the leaves was determined by chlorophyll fluorometer device (HandyPEA+, Hansatech Instruments®). Midday (13:00) was preferred as the measurement time. With the clips attached to the leaves, each leaf was adapted to the dark for 10 minutes, and measurements were made with the saturating light sent after the adaptation. Parameters for the calculation of Fv/Fm values (quantum efficiency of PS II activity) were recorded [F0: initial/minimal fluorescence; Fm: maximal fluorescence value; Fv: variable fluorescence (Fm-F0); Fv/Fm: maximum quantum yield of PS II (quantum yield of net photosynthesis)].