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ŠUMARSKI LIST 1-2/2022 str. 67     <-- 67 -->        PDF

Richert, K., Kohnle, U., 1984: Zum wirtschaftliche Einsatz von Lockstoff-Fallen zur Borkenkäferbekämpfung. Allgemeine Forstzeitsehrift, 39:866–867.
Shore, T.L., McLean, J.A., Zanuncio, J.C., 1987: Reproduction and survival of the ambrosia beetle Trypodendron lineatum (Oliv.) (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) in Douglas-fir and Western hemlock logs. The Canadian Entomologist 119: 131-139.
Wermelinger, B., 2004: Ecology and menagment of the spruce bark beetle Ips tyophographus – a review of recent research. Forest Ecology and Menagement, 202. pp. 67-82.
Wood, D., 1982: The role of pheromones, allomones and kairomones in the host seletion and colonisation behavior of bark beetles. Ann. Rev. of Ent. 27, 411-446.
Zahirović, K., 2017: Uzročnici truleži drveta smrče /Picea abies (L.) Karst./ na planini Zvijezda. Šumarski fakultet Univerziteta u Sarajevu. Doktorska disertacija. str. 1.
Zahradník, P., 2002: Dřevokaz čárkovaný Trypodendron (=Xyloterus) lineatum (Ol.). [Striped ambrosia beetle Trypodendron (=Xyloterus) lineatum (Ol.).] Lesnická práce, 8 (Supplementum): I–IV.
The research analyzed the catch of striped ambrosia beetle in different types of forests in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The research was conducted in the area of central Bosnia, in secondary fir and spruce forests, mixed beech and fir forests (with spruce) and forest crops. The research sample consists of 20 pheromone traps, during which the effectiveness of the pheromone attractant Trypowit was tested. The average catch of bark beetles T. lineatum for the first measurement is the highest in forest crops (792.00 beetles), for the second and third measurements in mixed beech and fir forests (with spruce) (1444.44 beetles and 1033.33 beetles). Statistical analyzes revealed the existence of statistically significant differences in the catch of T. lineatum bark beetles during the III measurement depending on the forest type.
Key words: central Bosnia, striped ambrosia beetle, forest type, pheromone traps, measurement.