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ŠUMARSKI LIST 11-12/2021 str. 82     <-- 82 -->        PDF

The DLT 2018 high-resolution database (10 m) shows that forests cover 59.55% of the territory of B&H, of which 80.98% are broad-leaved and 19.02% coniferous. According to the same database, the coverage of forests in B&H has reduced by 2.94% in the period 2012-2018. This primarily refers to conifers that participate in the overall decrease of 2.55%. The area of coniferous forests in B&H decreased from 22.22% in 2012 to 19.02% in 2018. The Forest type (FTY) databases show a similar trend. Broad-leaved forests are mainly positioned in lower areas, below 1000 m, with 80.56%, while conifers are in higher areas, above 1000 m, with 61.62%. The tree cover density database shows relatively high spatial distribution of forest density. The tree cover density over 50% accounts for 91.6% of the forest area.
According to the CLC Changes database in the period 2000-2018 forest losses have been 109.69 km2 or 0.34% of territory, in comparison with the initial year. The largest forest losses are related to conversion to transitional woodland / shrub and burnt areas, which account for 93.68% of all losses. The process of conversion to transitional woodland / shrub was most intense in the first period (2000-2006). In comparison with the first period, the fires were somewhat more intense in the second (2006-2012) and third (2012-2018) one. Losses of broad-leaved forest into transitional woodland / shrub were equally distributed throughout the entire territory of B&H, while fires endangered the southern part of the country most, i.e. the region of Herzegovina. Among the other forest losses, artificial areas are the cause of 4.59% of forest losses (various anthropogenic processes), and agricultural land has a share of 1.23%.
The reasons for different results obtained by using Forest 2018 and CLC 2018 databases are the different spatial resolution and classification nomenclature. Namely, the CLC has lower resolution and does not include subclass transitional woodland /shrub (3.2.4) in a forest subclass (3.1).
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